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Moving to Microsoft App-V 5.0 as App-V 4.6 Mainstream Support Ends

HOWFirst, don't panic.  Mainstream Support ending doesn't mean that if you are using App-V 4.6 you are suddenly going to be unsupported.  What it does mean, however, is that after July 14, 2015 there won't be anymore hotfixes or service packs. App-V 4.6 won't be unsupported until July 14, 2020, so you can keep using it for a good deal longer.  However, what this does mean is that your organization needs to seriously think about moving to App-V 5.0 since, for one, it has many more years left in the support lifecycle.

Have questions about making the move? Microsoft’s own Steve Bucci has some answers to questions you are probably asking right now. Check out his post below:

Moving to App-V 5 as App-V 4.6 Mainstream Support Ends

J.C. Hornbeck | Solution Asset PM | Microsoft GBS Management and Security Division

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Microsoft Application Virtualization mdop


  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2015
    Will there be official support of App-V 4.6 on Windows 10? (based on mainstream support deadline and GA of Win10 i assume no)
  • Anonymous
    August 04, 2015
    Any info on when App-V 5.1 will be released?