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Jeff Atwood : Donating $5K to a .NET Open Source Project

Last year, Jeff Atwood and I had spoken about ways in which we can encourage development of Open Source projects in the Microsoft Ecosystem. At that point, Jeff decided to throw ads on his blog and to graciously donate a portion of his ad revenue to an open source .NET project.

Today, Jeff picked a project, wrote the check for $5000, and signed off on it. ScrewTurn Wiki is the lucky recipient.

I'd verbally committed to getting Microsoft to match Jeff's contribution to the project. I personally didn't want to have much say in the project that gets picked. But I will now work on getting the funds to match the contribution.

Jeff and I will be participating in an Open Source Panel at ReMIX, along with Anil Dash and Joseph Hill with Sam Ramji moderating. We'll be sure to talk about this in a little more depth then.

I know Jeff has struggled quite a bit to make this happen. He had several amazing ideas to put this plan in to motion, and it wasn't easy picking just one project. Rest assured, this is just the beginning. Jeff is very passionate about both .NET and Open Source, and I'm looking forward to working with him to excite .NET developers about open source.

