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Best Reason Ever for a Ridiculous Tattoo and a Mohawk...

I tend to keep this blog more professional, but since diabetes has affected so many members of my family, I tend to pipe up for the cause.  Also, hey, skinny white kid from my neck of the woods getting tattoos, piercings and a mohawk?  C'mon, that's entertainment to boot!  So here's the story...


I read about this on a blog by a someone I know through work.  His buddy is trying to raise money for diabetes research, and  he's helping to raise even more money by offering challenges that may eventually turn this skinny white mid-westerner into Mr T, or as close as he can get to it.  He's at $1500 now, which got us the beard, shaved head and some piercings, and at $2500 he gets a ridiculous tattoo.  I am not sure if I want him to get to $2500 or not.  On the one hand, who makes fun of a guy who humiliated himself for a really good cause like this?  On the other hand, who wants "I Pitty the fool!" tattooed on their arm for posterity. 

His story is actually really touching, so after reading it go ahead and watch the YouTube video of him getting his head shaved to bring the smile back. Then help him out if you can.  If this won't make someone get behind diabetes research, what would, LOL.  :)
