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Monday Morning Links – March 03, 2009

I found and Twittered a number of links over the weekend. I guess I should figure out and use some sort of tagging service/site but I just don’t want to. I have too much to track now. But I thought that perhaps for some of you who don’t twitter I should post some of these links. Plus it give them a little link love for the search engines. Hopefully you’ll find something of use/interest here.

First, although I found it last, is a Blog post by Mark @guzdial called The Responsibility for the Image of Computing  Mark who was the conference chair for this year’s SIGCSE talks about the responsibility for teaching about the role of computing in society and how he sees that as an important role for high school computer science education.

Got girls? Live in Texas? UT Austin has a girls tech camp called FirstBytes that is a summer outreach program for girls. This program is designed to dispel myths and interest young women about computer science. There is a great video on the program at this first bytes video link.

Then there is this web site that gives your age in terms of years on other planets. Oh and your age in days. If you want to show students about the different lengths of time other planets take to circle the sun or rotate this is the place. There are some other good planet related links there as well.

Steve Clayton had an interesting post about presenting while people are Twittering. It is a follow up on a great post form about How to Present While People are Twittering by Pistachio recently. Industry is being forced to learn to accept and adapt to Twitter, IM, IRC and other forms of “back channel” discussion during presentations and meetings. There is good and bad to back channels and I think educators need to learn about this.

Know any college/university students (18 and older but world-wide on this one) who are photographers? They may be interested in the Microsoft Future Pro Photographer contest.

For Microsoft Surface in Education fans there is a new video interview/demo on using Surface in Education out on the Microsoft Surface blog.

If you are on Twitter please think about following me at https://twitter.com/alfredtwo and send me an @ reply to let me know if you found any of these links useful or interesting.