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Kodu Demo – Programming for little kids

The other week while I was at NECC (what a great time meeting with and learning from some wonderful educators) we filmed a video of me demonstrating Kodu. You can see it and read some thoughts from the Microsoft Education team at the Microsoft US Education blog.

Kodu demonstration for schools

Some useful highlights I borrowed from the Microsoft US Education blog are:

If you are with a school or an educator interested in using Kodu in your curriculum, you can sign up here to get involved in the academic beta program on the PC. Space is limited, and it requires an Xbox 360 controller for Windows and a reasonable graphics card. You can read more about Kodu’s potential use in the classroom here, and how kids at a Michigan elementary school took Kodu for an early test drive during the development phase here.

Note that Kodu is now officially available on the Xbox Live Community Games channel for the Xbox 360 and for a very reasonable price!

 Kodu game lab




Technorati Tags: kodu,necc09