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Interesting Links 13 August 2012

Well it’s the middle of my vacation. Mostly I’m avoiding the Internet and email. Mostly. I’m not all that good at this vacation thing. In any case I do have a few links to share with you.

A teacher friend of mine, Peter Vogel, shared this interesting article with me recently.  Is it Time to Reconsider AP Classes? A lot of comments on this at various places online.

Cameron Evans has a great post on BYOD versus Academic Equity With a lot of interest in bring your own devices lately this is a must read.

The ACM has created a very useful and informative PowerPoint deck on Computer Science Jobs and Education. If you are looking to make a presentation to prospective students and/or their parents you will want to get a hold of this deck. Even if you don’t use the presentation itself I think you’ll find a lot of valuable

Related to the ACM deck, NCWIT has a lot of resources about Moving Beyond Computer Literacy: Why schools should teach computer science that should be able to help you promote computer science education in your school and district.

The Microsoft Citizenship Blog has a series called Employee Philanthropist Spotlight that recently focused on Peli de Halleux and Chris Mitchell who volunteer to teach as part of the Technology Education and Literacy in Schools (TEALs) program that trains and supports professionals in the classroom.

Analysis of software can be used for all sorts of interesting things. Recently new forensic analysis concluded that MS-DOS wasn’t stolen (as some have alleged from time to time) but was independently developed. The story of how the software was studied to come to these conclusions makes for an interesting story.