RSS ads arms war begins, it goes like this...
Frankie Fresh points out that RSS Bandit developers are considering an ad blocking feature in the next version of their RSS reader.
The RSS ads arms war begins, it goes like this:
--Users want easier ways to consume relevant content and RSS meets the need. (Dave Winer early 1999)
----Software developers see the RSS opportunity, so they create RSS clients/aggregators to meet the need. (1999)
--------Media & advertising industry sees the RSS opportunity, so they meet their need. (May 2004)
----------------Users want to avoid RSS advertising, so software developers meet the need. (April 2005)
--------------------------------Etcetera, etcetera...
- Anonymous
April 28, 2005
Personally if bloggers <a href="">put their full posts in tehri feed with ads</a>, I'll not have problems with these ads.
The thing I hate more is when I have snippet of posts in my feed reader and that I'm not connected on the internet, wandering somewhere with my laptop.
Fred - Anonymous
April 28, 2005
I have seen this already over at the LonghornBlogs ( )
Doesn't really bother me to be honest with you either way. I view RSS feeds via the Newsreader feature in Desktopsidebar ( ) and if there are adds at the bottom then so be it. - Anonymous
April 28, 2005
Nick Bradbury, developer of FeedDemon RSS reader shares his thoughts on the RSS advertising arms war&nbsp;(my...