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Alex Barnett's blog

The blog of Alex Barnett

The convergence of bloggers

Sounds fancy, don't it? Philip's getting a 'convergence' meme attack...so much so, he's looking for...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/28/2006

New Live.com Service: Street-Side (Preview)

Michael Arrington at TechCrunch has more details plus screenshots: "Microsoft’s Live.com is...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/28/2006

Aussie tech bloggers - TalkTechBlogs

Frank Arrigo has been working on a cool little project Down Under. It's called TalkTechBlogs. "This...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/27/2006

About my past

Kent had a bit of a surprise to find that he was related to Meryl Streep. So I tried to find out...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/26/2006

The Intelligent Designer speaks

One recent comment at this post of mine caught my eye, left by the 'Designer'. Anyway, it points to...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/26/2006

Optimal OPML Browser

More cool OPML stuff. James Corbett and Adam Green have pointed out a new web-based OPML file...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/26/2006

Content 2.0, London (06.06.06) - I'll be there...

I interrupt my usual provisioning of blog fodder to let you know I'm going to be in London to take...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/24/2006

Safe Mashing

Philip Richardson, PM at the Microsoft Dynamics CRM team has a thought provoking post on Mashups and...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/23/2006

Response to the Attention Problem

Joshua Porter gave a talk recently 'Web 2.0 - Leveraging the Network'. He has published the slide...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/23/2006

Highly targeted Ajax advertising

Context is everything. - Tags: Web 2.0, Ajax, Advertising

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/22/2006

Just when I thought it was safe not to blog about OPML

Just when I thought it was safe not to blog about OPML and RSS, along comes Technorati to spoil my...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/22/2006


Don Box: "Someone recently asked me about how to handle an internal product debate around REST vs....

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/21/2006

Podcast charging $ monkey *#$!f%! news

I suppose it was a no-brainer to predict that the Ricky Gervais podcast show was going to be a hit....

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/21/2006

C# interview questions

Mark Wagner has collated some interview questions (with answers) you might be asked if you were...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/21/2006

Scotty's ashes to go orbital

Star Trek's Scotty (actually, actor James Doohan) will have his ashes rocketed to space. He's joined...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/20/2006

Interview: 'Microsoft Exec Talks IE7, RSS'

BetaNews has an interview with Gary Schare, Director of IE Product Management. Topics discussed...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/20/2006

FeedDemon 2.0 Beta 2.0 introduces ability to import your feeds from the Windows Common Feed List

Long headline, I know - but I couldn't think of anything else. FeedDemon 2.0 Beta 2.0 introduces...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/16/2006

Beginning of the Attention Engine race

Wow, I missed this the first time around... Megite is going letting me do what I've been asking...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/14/2006

Reading Lists (OPML) podcast: Danny Ayers and Adam Green

Last year Dave Winer started to push the idea of Reading Lists for RSS. More recently, the idea of...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/12/2006

My Del.icio.us bookmarks in my RSS feed

I've spliced my Del.icio.us bookmarks into my Feedburner generated RSS feed. If it annoys you, let...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/11/2006

The real 'meme' trackers are yet to be invented

The word 'memetracking' or ('meme tracker') has been used to describe services such as Memeorandum,...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/10/2006

More Xbox team bloggers

Xbox's Major Nelson has links to more Xbox team bloggers: "When I started this blog over two years...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/10/2006

More on the Windows RSS Platform

Last week, the Microsoft RSS team published Windows RSS Platform API documentation - note: is draft...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/10/2006

(RSS + SSE) + OPML + Reading lists = Attention?

Steve Rubel has nice idea: "What I would love to see in the coming months is a tool that uses SSE...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/09/2006

Ajax and Virtual Earth tutorial

The Virtual Earth blog has posted some info on the first of a three part tutorial on Ajax and...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/08/2006

Mash Me Up

When I heard this, I thought they were singing ‘Mash Me Up’. Selective hearing I suppose… Via the...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/06/2006

State of the Attention Problem

Technorati's David Sifry has posted the latest of his regular updates providing a bunch of stats and...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/06/2006

My brand spanking new OPML blog

I've finally got my shiny new OPML blog up and running. It's powered using Dave Winer's OPML Editor....

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/06/2006

The good guys lose

William, our four year son, summed up the dire result. "The good guys lose. The enemy wins."...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/05/2006

Go Seahawks!!!

er, when in Rome and all that...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/05/2006

Ajax Scribble application with ASP.NET Atlas

The Code Project has a good tutorial showing how to create an Ajax Scribble application with ASP.NET...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/04/2006

Welcome visitors

This last rainy week in Redmond has been sunnied by a bunch of welcome visitors. Some were were old...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/04/2006

Skype chats as RSS feeds

I love this. Jaanus, a Skype employee, listened to the Attention podcast I recorded with Nick...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/04/2006

Solving Tag-Hell

Backup Brain recently highlighted one of the problems with the tagosphere - the 'which tag do I use'...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/03/2006

There are 54,993,666,708,469,390,869,140,625 ways to construct a 10-machine-instruction program

Chris Jackson is a Senior Consultant with Microsoft Services. He doesn't blog that much, but when he...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/02/2006

Microsoft Mashup videos

John Musser over at Programmable Web has a bunch of links to some developer-focused videos covering...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/02/2006

new Web 2.0 Journal site

Dion Hinchcliffe, the Editor-in-Chief of the brand new Web 2.0 Journal site has posted his launch...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/02/2006

Windows RSS Platform = RSS everywhere

The IE blog posted some interesting RSS / Windows info this morning: "You might have seen or read...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/01/2006

How many feeds do you subscribe to?

How many RSS feeds do people subscribe to? This is one of the questions Wolfgang Bartelme asked his...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 02/01/2006

Even I think this is a little extreme...

Even I think this is a little extreme... "When I found out my wife was pregnant, I immediately set...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/31/2006

Atomic MSDN blogs

Tim, it's great you noticed that the MSDN blogs gen Atom 1.0 as well as RSS 2.0 feeds, but...this...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/31/2006

4 plugs in one post - beat that.

My wife was given a business card by Shel Israel at the Naked Conversations party last week, and she...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/31/2006

Well, here goes for the second time around

Bubble 2.0 - the signs are there if you look for them. Remember First Tuesday? I never attended, but...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 01/30/2006

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