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Become a Fan of p&p summit!


Become a fan of p&p summit on Facebook by clicking here. We have a fan drive going on right now to get 250 fans by June 30th. If we hit that number, one lucky fan will get a free pass to the p&p summit. Act fast and become a fan. Accessories for your blog clip_image003[8]

You can help us by blogging and tweeting about the summit. We have created some images (i.e. blog buttons) that you could use in your blog. Here is a sample below. You can check out the rest of the images at our facebook page here.


clip_image003[9] p&p summit on Facebook/Digg/Twitter


Facebook: Stay tuned to updates on p&p summit by becoming a fan of p&p summit in Facebook. Click here to become a fan.

Digg It: Show you support, by digging the p&p summit announcement here.

Twitter: In your tweets about p&p summit, please add the tag “#pnpsummit”.

clip_image003[11] Thanks and see you at the summit,

patterns & practices Summit 2009 Team
