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DreamSpark new features: first glance on what’s new.

We’ve recently announced on Twitter that the DreamSpark pages have been re-imagined.

Those who have tried to download in the meantime software from the DreamSpark pages will certainly have noticed the differences. It is not only about a new design, but more importantly a series of new features and functionalities have been included. Have a look at the most important changes!

For students


With the new color branding, the different academic users will be guided to the right information:

a. DreamSpark for Students – direct access to the individual students experience.

b. DreamSpark for Academic Institutions – information about the DreamSpark subscription such as program benefits, EULAs, usage guidelines, and the steps to purchase a subscription etc.


Don’t speak English fluently? No problem, a series of languages are supported, including French, German and Italian. No Dutch yet, however.

Integration with AppHub

Did you not find your way to Windows 8 or Windows Phone Store before? Via the student pages you can now find dedicated information related to App Development and even access the Store (for free) from there.

More than just software downloads

The new site has shifted from focusing purely on software downloads to bringing tools and resources related to development on our platforms (Windows 8, Windows Phone and Games) in a more prominent position.

It’s all about AppsWindows 8 Apps

A page dedicated to Windows 8 App Development where students can find the resources and tools they need to start developing Windows 8 apps, including a pointer to downloading the getting started guide. This page does not require students to verify their user status. Easy to access for everyone!

Also: Free access for students to the Windows Store. From the Windows 8 App Development page, users will be directed to the Windows Store Access page on DreamSpark where they can verify their user status and then get a registration code to use in the Windows Store to register for free.

Not using DreamSpark to download software?

Students with a webstore account will now be able to redeem a Dreamspark.com access code that they can use to create a Dreamspark.com account, verify and then get the Windows Store registration code.

For institutions

In the previous edition of DreamSpark, it was often very hard to get a full overview of the programs and procedures. We have streamlined the site, and will give you quick and straightforward answers to following questions :

o Who is eligible to use DreamSpark? 

o What’s the difference between DreamSpark & DreamSpark Premium?

o How to install/deploy the software?

o How to use ELMS?

o How to find support & FAQ?