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receiving Fax on SBS 2003 using Windows Vista Clients

When we open the fax which is in the form of “.tif” or “.tiff” using Windows Photo Gallery. We observe the following behavior

a.      The Image appears correctly in Portrait form

b.      When we click on print, it is flipped at 90 Degree

c.       When we actually print the image it is rendered

d.      When we uncheck “Fit to Window” it still is rendered and usually prints in Landscape, despite the fact that the printer is set to use portrait page.


  1. If the users have Office installed, they can install the “Microsoft Office Document Imaging” component.
  2. On Vista, go into Control Panel->Default Programs->Associate a file type or protocol with a program.
  3. Select .tif and click Change Program.
  4. Browse to and select C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shard\MODI\12.0\mspview.exe.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for .tiff.
  6. Click OK out. Open the fax again and try to print. The fax should open in MODI and print in portrait mode.

If you have Microsoft Office Installed, but you do not have “Microsoft Office Document Imaging” Component you can follow the steps mentioned below

1.      Go to Control Panel>> Programs and Features

2.      Chose Microsoft Office

3.      Click on Change

4.      Chose “Add or Remove” Features, Click Continue

5.      Click on “Office Tools”, expand “Microsoft Office Document Imaging”

6.      Chose “Microsoft Office Document Image Writer” Click on arrowhead pointing downwards.

7.      Select “Run from my computer”.

8.      Click Continue.

Courtesy Sabir Chandwale