Orbbec Femto Bolt Unreal Engine

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When building the Unreal shipping build, we manage to connect the camera using the usual kinect sdk and the camera (seems) to work correctly, but when we try to connect with BodyTracking skd, we get Failed to create k4abt tracker! at the k4abt_tracker_create() stage.

Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to figure out how to enable logs by analogy with kinect (set K4ABT_LOG_TO_A_FILE=k4abt.log) in order to understand what is missing specifically. When replacing files from your wrapper again (just in case), as well as adding them to the project directory (necessary for assembly), there is no effect. When BodyTrack == true, I see how the camera is detected (the red activity indicator lights up), it gets into the array of devices and is in it during constant verification, but when trying to StartDevice (Open + tracker create) it gives the above error. At the same time, everything works correctly for Unreal Editor. Maybe there are not enough libraries at the stage of building the project?

Maybe someone face this problem, how can i fix it?

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