I can't get my student status through GitHub for Students even though I've been verified on GitHub for a long time.

Nikita Kobylynskyi 0 Баллы репутации

I linked my GitHub account to my Microsoft account. I wanted to get the Azure for student plan. I had completed the student verification in GitHub a year ago. But when I linked the account, and chose to confirm my__status as a__ student through GitHub - it says ‘We could not confirm your status as a student. Click here to begin the academic verification process. This process may take up to a few days. Once verification is complete, please come back and sign in with GitHub to redeem Azure for Students.’. When I clicked on the link, I was taken to the regular GitHub Students verification where I had already been verified and my status was verified, so I couldn't go through the verification process again. When I went back/refreshed the page/re-logged into my account nothing changed


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