MoveRequest : Call to "net.tcp://domain.local/Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService"

Alex Ch 70 Баллы репутации
New-MoveRequest : Call to "net.tcp://domain.local/Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService" failed because no service is listening on the specified endpoint
A. Error details: Failed to connect to net.tcp://domain.local/Microsoft.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService. Connection attempts were made within the interval
la time 00:00:02.0669161. TCP Error Code 10061: The connection was not established because... The destination computer rejected the connection request  --> Connection is not successful
declared, because the destination computer rejected the connection request

Hello,I installed tools exchange on the server, and when I try to migrate a mailbox I receive the following message.

MRS on the server side is enabled. Restarted the service. in the MsExchangeMailboxReplication.exe.config file the value is set to

DataImportTimeout 00:20:00 .

If I start the migration from the exchange server itself, it works.

I want to run from a third-party server,

Exchange installed 2019 CU13

Exchange Server
Exchange Server
Семейство программного обеспечения для обмена сообщениями и совместной работы с клиентом и сервером Майкрософт.
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  1. Alex Ch 70 Баллы репутации

    problem solved

  2. Ivan Prodanov 400 Баллы репутации


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