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Update a placement

There are many actions you can perform on placements. This page explains how to edit, delete, duplicate, and move placements.

Edit a placement

You can edit a placement by clicking the placement row to select and highlight it, then clicking either the Full Edit or Edit Inline button in the Placement Details pane that appears. See Create a Placement for descriptions of the fields you can edit.

Delete a placement

You can delete placements from the Microsoft Advertising system in just two steps.


Before you proceed, please note that deleting placements is permanent and cannot be reversed.

Step 1. Get started with placements

Publisher-only clients: Select Placements from the Inventory menu in the main navigation menu, then select the publisher you want to work with from the Select a Publisher dialog. This opens the Inventory Manager, which shows both the Placement Group List and the Placement List under each placement group for the publisher.

All other clients: Go to Publishers > Inventory Manager and select the publisher you want to work with. This will open the Placement List for that publisher. Click the box(es) next to the placement or placements you want to delete.

Step 2. Confirm deletion

Once you have selected the placement or placements to delete, select More Actions > Delete. This will open the Confirm delete dialog. Verify that you want to delete the placement by clicking Confirm.


If a managed campaign is directly targeting the placement, you will see the warning "Cannot delete placement that is targeted by campaigns. Contact Microsoft Advertising support." In order to delete this placement, you will need to first remove the placement from the campaign targeting. Once this is done, you should be able to delete the placement.

Move a placement to a different placement group

A placement is an open slot on a publisher website where an advertiser creative with matching specifications can serve. Placement groups provide a way for you to organize and manage placements, apply default inventory categorization, and self-auditing criteria to child placements. This page explains how to move a placement to a new placement group.

Step 1. Get started with moving placements

Publisher-only clients: Select Inventory > Placements, then select the publisher you want to work with from the Select a Publisher dialog. This opens the Inventory Manager, which shows both the Placement Group List and the Placement List under each placement group for the publisher.

All other clients: Go to Publishers > Inventory Manager and select the publisher you want to work with. This will open the Placement List for that publisher. Click the box(es) next to the placement or placements you want to move.

Step 2. Move the desired placements to a different placement group

Check the checkbox for the placement under which you want to move to another new placement group, then click More Actions > Move. This will open the Select a destination placement group dialog. Click Select to complete the action. If you want to move more than one placement to the same group, you can move them all at once by checking multiple boxes.

Step 3. Review the placement list

In the Placement Group List, click the placement group under which you moved the placement. You should see the placements you moved show up in the Placement List for that placement group.

Duplicate a placement

When you want to create a number of similar placements, you can save time by duplicating placements and editing the specific features you want to modify.

Step 1. Get started with duplicating placements

Publisher-only clients: Select Inventory > Placements, then select the publisher you want to work with from the Select a Publisher dialog. This opens the Inventory Manager, which shows both the Placement Group List and the Placement List under each placement group for the publisher.

All other clients: Go to Publishers > Inventory Manager and select the publisher you want to work with. This will open the Placement List for that publisher. Click the box(es) next to the placement or placements you want to duplicate.

Step 2. Confirm duplicate

Once you have selected the placement or placements to duplicate, go to the More Actions dropdown and select Duplicate.This will open the Confirm duplicate dialog. Type the name of your new placement into the text box and click the Confirm button.

Step 3. Make changes to the new placement

Once you have renamed your placement and confirmed the duplication, your duplicate placement will show up in the Placement List. You can then edit the placement or change its default creatives as you would for any other.

Set a reserve price

You can set a reserve price, which is the minimum net amount the placement will accept for placing a creative, for the placement from the Inventory Manager screen in the Default Creatives pane. Under Reserve Price Settings, click Edit, then complete the selections in the Reserve Price Settings dialog that appears as below:

  • Reserved price based on: Select the criteria of calculating the reserved price from total Network revenue or total Publisher revenue.

  • Reserved price applies to: Select whether reserved price is applied to :

    • All demands: The rule will apply to bids from your managed advertisers as well as third-party bids.
    • Third-party and non-preferred direct demand: The rule will apply to third-party bids as well as bids from your managed advertisers that are not considered a preferred bid.
    • Third-party demand only: The rule will apply to third-party bids, and not to bids from your managed advertisers.

    Please note that if you select All demands, the reserved price will not apply to learn bids from direct campaigns when your inventory prefers learn bids.