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Microsoft Monetize - Buying Microsoft casual games (Windows O&O Apps)

Inventory overview

Microsoft Casual Games (i.e., Microsoft's Owned and Operated apps) provide premium inventory across Windows desktop PCs, tablets, and phones. Microsoft Casual Games include:

  • Microsoft Solitaire Collection
  • Microsoft Minesweeper
  • Microsoft Jigsaw
  • Microsoft Sudoku
  • Microsoft Mahjong
  • Microsoft Treasure Hunt
  • Microsoft Ultimate Word Game
  • Microsoft Bingo

Microsoft Solitaire Collection

The Microsoft Solitaire Collection remains the most played computer game of all time, and has been a part of Windows for more than 24 years. The Microsoft Solitaire Collection ships globally with every copy of Windows 10. The Microsoft Solitaire Collection makes it the best experience to date with five different card games in one and localized in 65 languages.

Home screen - Below the fold, at the bottom of the first menu screen

Screenshot of the Home screen in Microsoft Solitaire Collection.

Sub-screens - Above the fold, right side of sub menu screens

Screenshot of Sub-screens in Microsoft Solitaire Collection.

For more information, see Formats and Specifications.

Microsoft Minesweeper

Minesweeper is the classic puzzle game that has been a part of Windows for more than 20 years, now reimagined for Windows 8 and 10. Featuring adjustable difficulty, classic Minesweeper gameplay, and a brand new Adventure mode, Microsoft Minesweeper is better than ever.

Game Play and Game Completion Screens - Above the fold, right side of game screen

Diagram of Game Play and Game Completion Screens in Microsoft Minesweeper.

Daily Challenge Menu Screens - Above the fold, right side of menu screens

Screenshot of Daily Challenge Menu Screens in Microsoft Minesweeper.

For more information, see Formats and Specifications.

Microsoft Jigsaw

Users can play hundreds of puzzles in three exciting game modes: Classic Jigsaw, Jigsaw Jam, and Daily Challenges. Intuitive controls make Microsoft Jigsaw great using a mouse and keyboard, and excellent on touch screens. With multiple game modes, downloadable puzzle packs, and the ability to create custom puzzles, Microsoft Jigsaw provides hours of entertainment.

Game play and game completion screens - Above the fold, bottom right

Screenshot of Game Play and Game Completion Screens in Microsoft Jigsaw.

Menu screens - Below the fold, right side of the menu screens

Screenshot of Menu screens in Microsoft Jigsaw.

For more information, see Formats and Specifications.

Microsoft Sudoku

The new Microsoft Sudoku is the popular logic puzzle game that makes the most of a Windows device. With five difficulty levels, fresh daily challenges, achievements and leaderboards, Microsoft Sudoku provides hundreds of brain training puzzles for players of all ages.

Game play and game completion screens - Above the fold, bottom left

Diagram of Game Play and Game Completion Screens in Microsoft Sudoku.

Menu screens - Below the fold, right side of the menu screens

Screenshot of Menu screens in Microsoft Sudoku.

For more information, see Formats and Specifications.

Microsoft Mahjong

Microsoft Mahjong is the classic matching game with beautiful imagery, intuitive controls, and all the features that fans of Mahjong come to expect.

Menu screens - Below the fold, right side of menu screens

Screenshot of Menu screens in Microsoft Mahjong.

Daily challenge screens - Above the fold, right side of screens

Screenshot of Daily challenge screens in Microsoft Mahjong.

For more information, see Formats and Specifications.

Microsoft Treasure Hunt

Classic puzzle gaming with exciting new features, Microsoft Treasure Hunt builds on the Microsoft Minesweeper for Windows Adventure mode experience.

Main menu screen - Below the fold, right side of screen

Screenshot of Main menu screen in Microsoft Treasure Hunt.

Game play and game completion screens - Above the fold, right side of screen

Screenshot of Game play and game completion screens in Microsoft Treasure Hunt.

For more information, see Formats and Specifications.

Availability and volume

  • 64 minutes played daily per user
  • 65 languages supported
  • 169 desktop and mobile display markets globally
  • 2.63 billion monthly display impressions globally, 962 million in US

Formats and specifications

Platform 300x250 728x90 300x600 480x80 320x50
Microsoft Solitaire Collection
Windows Desktop PCs & Tablets X X
Windows Mobile X X
Android & iOS X X


728x90 only available on Windows 10.

Microsoft Minesweeper 300x250 728x90 300x600 480x80 320x50
Windows Desktop PCs & Tablets X
Microsoft Jigsaw 300x250 728x90 300x600 480x80 320x50
Windows Desktop PCs & Tablets X
Microsoft Sudoku 300x250 728x90 300x600 480x80 320x50
Windows Desktop PCs & Tablets X
Microsoft Mahjong 300x250 728x90 300x600 480x80 320x50
Windows Desktop PCs & Tablets X X
Microsoft Treasure Hunt 300x250 728x90 300x600 480x80 320x50
Windows Desktop PCs & Tablets X X
Microsoft Ultimate Word Game 300x250 728x90 300x600 480x80 320x50
Windows Desktop PCs & Tablets X X


SSL creative required for all Microsoft Casual Games.

Targeting instructions

There are three different ways you can target Microsoft Casual Games:

For information on general inventory targeting, see Buying Microsoft Inventory.

Target Microsoft casual games in campaign setup

To target Microsoft Casual Games inventory when setting up a line item or campaign or campaign:

  1. In the Device and Supply Type section, target all device types (Desktop & Laptops, Tablets, and Phones).
  2. In the Inventory Quality section, select Serve on any inventory.
  3. In the Inventory section, click Edit.
  4. On the 3rd Party Inventory > search Microsoft Advertising Exchange (280).
  5. On the Search for Publishers >Select Microsoft Casual Games (679569).
  6. Click Add.

To target Microsoft Casual Games inventory when setting up a Augmented Line Item:

  1. In the Basic Setup section, select Open Exchange.
  2. In the Programmable Splits section, create 1 new split.
  3. On the new Split 1 line select the Pencil edit icon next to the name.
  4. In the Split panel, click the Select Condition drop down and enable Publisher.
  5. In the Publisher text field, enter 679569 and click the Add button.

Target Microsoft casual games through the API

You can target Microsoft Casual Games through the API on the Profile Service. To target placements on specific games, use the IDs below in the site_targets array.

ID Publisher
1751983 Microsoft Legacy Apps
1761367 Microsoft Jackpot
1761368 Microsoft Jigsaw
1761369 Microsoft Mahjong
1761371 Microsoft Minesweeper
1761372 Microsoft Solitaire Collection
1761373 Microsoft Sudoku
1761374 Microsoft Treasure Hunt
1761375 Microsoft Bingo
2615444 Microsoft Ultimate Word Games

For more information, see Profile Service.

More questions?

If you have further questions about buying this inventory, please contact your Microsoft Advertising account representative.