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ANJAM user guide

The Advertiser to Native JavaScript API for Mobile, or 'ANJAM', gives mobile creatives access to additional features that are not provided by MRAID. This includes the ability to perform deep linking.


Mobile creatives running in iframes can use MRAID alongside this API.


All ANJAM functions are asynchronous. Any function that queries for a result will need to install a function to handle the response. The callback function will be called with a result object whose properties contain the results of the function call.


All result objects will also contain a result.caller property with the value of the calling function's name (for example: DeepLink or GetDeviceID).


Using ANJAM/MRAID from within an iframe:

In order for a creative to use ANJAM, MRAID from within an iFrame in the SDK (including when "Serve in iFrame" is checked), the creative needs to add this HTML snippet at the beginning:

<script src=""></script>

Exported functions

This section lists all of the functions exported by ANJAM. Each function is described and used in an example.

anjam.MayDeepLink(url, result_callback)

Creatives may use this function to determine whether the app they are deep-linking to is installed on the device.

  • url: A string indicating a deep link URL that is handled by a native app. For example, "fb://post?1234". See also the Facebook documentation on deep linking.
  • result_callback - function(result) {}: Will be called with a result object, with a value of true or false in the result.mayDeepLink property indicating whether the deep link will be handled on this device or not.


var url = "example://widget?id=123";

ExampleDeepLink = function (url) {
    // Test for success.
    anjam.MayDeepLink(url, function (result) {
    // This will log "Callback for MayDeepLink: true".
        console.log("Callback for " + result.caller + ": " + result.mayDeepLink);
        if (result.mayDeepLink) {
            anjam.DeepLink(url, function (deeplinkresult) {
             console.log(deeplinkresult.caller + " call failed.");

anjam.DeepLink(url, err_callback)

Creatives will use this function to call the deep link URL, usually as a response to an onClick() event and after receiving a true result from mayDeepLink().

If the DeepLink() launch was successful and the ad was expanded, the ad will close and the callback will not be called.

  • url: A string indicating a deep link URL.
  • err_callback: function(result) {} - Called only if the Deeplink() operation was unsuccessfully launched. The result object is only useful for the result.caller property.

See the documentation for anjam.MayDeepLink() for an example.


Allows the creative to override the SDK configuration and force the landing page to open in the device's native browser (as opposed to the default in-app browser).

  • url: A URL to open in the native platform browser. Similar to the DeepLink() call, but meant for launching web sites in the native browser.


var url = "";

ExampleExternalBrowser = function(url) {



URLs are normally opened within the in-app browser in an invisible mode to check whether the URL redirects to a store or not. This call forces the in-app browser to become immediately visible. If the URL or one of its redirects goes to the app store, the app store will be opened and the in-app browser dismissed as normal. This method allows overriding the initial invisible mode.

  • url: A URL to open within the in-app browser.


var url = "";

ExampleInternalBrowser = function(url) {



Used for tracking events; the URL will be loaded by the SDK in the background. This is usually used for tracking pixels.

  • url: The URL the SDK will load in the background. The URL will accept 'data' URLs or 'javascript:'.


ExampleRecordEvent = function() {

anjam.DispatchAppEvent(event, data)

Gives the creative the ability to send a custom event to the app. To receive this event, the app must implement code.

On iOS, the application would implement AppEventDelegate's didReceiveAppEvent method.

On Android, the application would implement the onAppEvent in the AppEventListener class.

  • event: A string delivered to the app's handler.
  • data: A string delivered to the app's handler.


var e = 'SomeEvent';
var d = 'TheEventData';

ExampleDispatchAppEvent = function(evt, data) {
    anjam.DispatchAppEvent(evt, data);

ExampleDispatchAppEvent(e, d);


Used to get the current version of the ANJAM API.

  • callback: function(result) {} - Called with the current API version string ("1.0") in the result.version property.


ExampleGetVersion = function() {
    anjam.GetVersion(function (result) {
        // This will log "GetVersion returned: 1.0".
        console.log(result.caller + " returned: " + result.version);

Used to retrieve the current device ID for Advertising.

  • callback: function(result) {} - Called with the result.idname and properties. idname is a string with the type of ID being passed. id is the string value of the advertising ID.
  • For iOS devices idname will be "idfa" and ID is the Apple ID For Advertising.
  • For Android devices using the Google Play services, idname will be "aaid" and the id will be the Google Android Advertising ID.
  • For Android devices not using Google Play services, idname will be "sha1udid" and the id will be the SHA1 hash of the device's Android ID.


ExampleGetDeviceID = function() {
    anjam.GetDeviceID(function (result) {
        // This will log "GetDeviceID: idfa = AEBE52E7-03EE-455A-B3C4-E57283966239".
        console.log(result.caller + ": " + result.idname + " = " +;


Provides the ability for the creative developer to specify a custom time interval for refreshing the values for size, position, and viewability. In addition, on iOS this call should enable NSRunLoopCommonModes on the NSTimer.

  • milliseconds: Integer value describing the time interval in milliseconds.


<script src="mraid.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (mraid.getState() == 'loading') {
    mraid.addEventListener('ready', onSDKReady);
} else {

function onSDKReady() {
        if ((typeof window.anjam.SetMRAIDRefreshFrequency) !== "undefined") {
        setInterval(function() {
                p = mraid.getCurrentPosition(), s = mraid.getScreenSize(), d = document.getElementById('pc'), y = (1-(s.height-p.y)/s.height)*300;
                d && (d.scrollTop = y);
        }, 10);

<style type="text/css">
#pc { position: relative; width: 300px; height: 300px; overflow: hidden; }

        <a href=""><img src="media/600" width="300" height="600"><


Provides the ability for getting custom keywords set on BannerAdView. Using this feature, any custom keyword set on BannerAdView is accessible in the HTML creative via ANJAM without using creative macros or running a random JS in the Webview.

  • callback: function(result) {} - Responds with the added custom keywords.


ExampleGetCustomKeywords = function() {
    anjam.GetCustomKeywords(function (result) {
// If you have set custom keywords in BannerAdView like below
//banner.addCustomKeyword(withKey: "foo", value: "bar")
//banner.addCustomKeyword(withKey: "randomkey", value: "randomvalue")
// This will log "GetCustomKeywords foo=bar randomkey=randomvalue".
console.log("GetCustomKeywords" + " foo=" + + " randomkey=" + result.randomkey);