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Video events feed

The Video Events Feed provides you with a listing of all video-specific events that occur on your video impressions. The feed contains one row per video event.

The Xandr internal name for this feed is video_events_feed.


The columns below are listed in the same order in which they appear in the log-level feed file (top to bottom here, left to right in the file).

Integer key

  • tinyint = 1 byte (8 bit)
  • smallint = 2 byte (16 bit)
  • int = 4 byte (32 bit)
  • bigint = 8 byte (64 bit)



Microsoft Advertising may need to remove values for certain log level data (LLD) fields in order to comply with current data sharing restrictions.

Column Index Column Name Type Description Visibility
01 date_time UNIX Epoch time The time and date truncated to the hour that the record was processed by Xandr. For cross-hour events, for example, starting at 12:59 and finishing at 13:01, the hour recorded would be the last event's hour, which is 13 in this example. Both
02 auction_id_64 bigint The Xandr unique auction identifier. Both
03 buyer_member_id int The member ID of the buyer.
- For imp_type = 1 (Blank), the buyer_member_id and creative_id is 0.
- For imp_type = 2 (PSA), the Xandr PSA member_id displays.
- For imp_type = 3 or 4 (Default Error or Default), the seller_member_id displays.
04 seller_member_id int The member ID of the seller. Both
05 advertiser_id int The ID of the advertiser. Buyer
06 publisher_id int The ID for the publisher of the placement. Buyer member may map the Publisher ID to a name using the Inventory Resold Service if the seller has chosen to expose the publisher. Exposure to buyer depends on the seller's visibility profile. Both
07 site_id int The ID for site associated with placement. Cannot be associated with a name, except by the seller member who owns the site. Exposure to buyer depends on the seller's visibility profile. Seller
08 tag_id int The ID of placement tag of the impression. Cannot be associated with a name, except by the seller member who owns the tag. Exposure to buyer depends on the seller's visibility profile. Both
09 insertion_order_id int The ID for insertion order if used. Buyer
10 line_item_id int The identifier of line item. Buyer
11 campaign_id int The ID of the campaign. Buyer
12 creative_id int The ID of the creative served. Both
13 creative_freq int The creative-level frequency (times the user has seen this creative by this advertiser). Buyer
14 creative_rec int The creative-level recency in minutes (how long it has been since the user has seen this creative ad). Buyer
15 brand_id int The ID for brand of the creative. Both
16 country string(2) The geographic country of the impression passed in on the ad call. Uses ISO 3166 country codes. Both
17 creative_width smallint The width of the creative. Both
18 creative_height smallint The height of the creative. Both
19 deal_id int The Deal ID associated with this impression. Both
20 video_was_served boolean Whether or not the video was served this hour Both
21 video_started boolean Whether or not the video was started this hour Both
22 video_was_skipped boolean Whether or not the video was skipped this hour Both
23 video_had_error boolean Whether or not the video had an error this hour Both
24 video_hit_25_pct boolean Whether or not the video hit 25 pct this hour Both
25 video_hit_50_pct boolean Whether or not the video hit 50 pct this hour Both
26 video_hit_75_pct boolean Whether or not the video hit 75 pct this hour Both
27 video_completed boolean Whether or not the video completed this hour Both
28 imp_type tinyint The type of impression. Possible values:
- 0 = Video event error
- 1 = Blank: "200 OK" response (blank) served.
- 2 = PSA: A public service announcement served because no other creative was eligible.
- 3 = Default Error: A default creative served due to timeout issue.
- 4 = Default: A default creative served because no campaigns bid or no other creative was eligible.
- 5 = Kept: One of your managed advertisers served a creative.
- 6 = Resold: The impression was sold to a third-party buyer.
- 7 = RTB: Your creative served on third-party inventory.
- 8 = PSA Error: A public service announcement served due to timeout issue.
- 9 = External Impression: An impression from an impression tracker.
- 10 = External Click: A click from a click tracker.
29 advertiser_currency string(3) The currency used by advertiser. Buyer
30 publisher_currency string(3) The currency in which publisher is paid. Seller
31 site_domain string(100) The most granular identifier of the site that we can offer (but not the full domain). This may be the domain of a supply partner (e.g.,, the network who owns the resold inventory, or just "resold inventory". Exposure to buyer depends on the seller's visibility profile settings. Both
32 application_id string The ID of the mobile application (if applicable). Exposure to buyer depends on the seller's visibility profile. Both
33 media_cost_cpm numeric For buyers, the dollar amount * 1000 that a network is paying for the video impression associated to this video event. For sellers, the dollar amount * 1000 paid to publisher for the impression associated to this video event. Both
34 booked_revenue numeric The dollar amount earned by network on the impression associated with this video event Buyer
35 seller_revenue_cpm numeric The amount the seller is paid for the impression associated with this video event.

Note: The impression_seller_revenue_cpm is also calculated for imp_type = 5 (managed impressions). If you wish to calculate total revenue from resold impressions, sum seller_revenue_cpm only for imp_type = 6.
36 playback_method enum The type of initiation method. Possible values:
- 0 = Unknown
- 1 = Auto-play, sound on
- 2 = Auto-play, sound off
- 3 = Click-to-play
- 4 = Mouse-over
- 5 = Auto-play, sound unknown
37 video_context enum The type of context. Possible values:
- 0 = Unknown
- 1 = Pre-Roll
- 2 = Mid-Roll
- 3 = Post-Roll
- 4 = Outstream
- 5 = Bannerstream
38 player_size_id tinyint The size of the video player. Possible values:
- 0 = Unknown
- 1 = Small
- 2 = Medium
- 3 = Large
39 supply_type enum The type of supply. Possible values:
- 0 = Web
- 1 = Mobile_Web
- 2 = Mobile_App
40 view_result enum The Xandr viewability measurement result of the impression. Possible values:
- -1 = UNKNOWN
For non-impression events, this will be NULL.

Note: For more details about viewability, see Introduction to Viewability.
41 view_non_measurable_reason enum The reason an impression could not be measured for viewability. Possible values:
- 0 = N/A. The impression was measured for viewability
- 1 = SCRIPT_NOT_SERVED. The viewability script was not served with the creative. For example, on mobile-app inventory.
- 2 = NO_SCRIPT_CALLBACK. The viewability script was served with the creative, but no callback/event was received. For example, the user left the page before the creative was served.
- 3 = TECHNICAL_LIMITATION. The viewability script was served and loaded, but was unable to measure for a technical reason. For example, a cross-domain iFrame with Flash disabled.
- -1 = UNKNOWN

Note: For more information regarding viewability, see Introduction to Viewability.
42 error_code int For a detailed description of error codes and their meanings, see the IAB's VAST 3.0 documentation or view the list of Error Codes below.
43 partition_time_millis UNIX Epoch time The hourly partition any record row falls into, represented as a UNIX Epoch timestamp value (in milliseconds). Useful for defining hourly partitions when loading into a database or data warehouse. For the Avro format, this field is given the timestamp-millis logical type for native timestamp detection. For example, 1568077200000 can also be represented as Tuesday, September 10, 2019 1 AM (UTC).
44 split_id int32 The ID of the split that purchased the impressions in this data set. Splits are only applicable to augmented line items. Buyer
45 video_served_timestamp UNIX Epoch time The time and date when the video ad response was recorded. Both
46 video_started_timestamp UNIX Epoch time The time and date when the video started event was received by Xandr. Both
47 video_skipped_timestamp UNIX Epoch time The time and date when the video skipped event was received by Xandr. Both
48 video_errored_timestamp UNIX Epoch time The time and date when the video error event was received by Xandr. Both
49 video_hit_25_pct_timestamp UNIX Epoch time The time and date when the video first quartile event was received by Xandr. Both
50 video_hit_50_pct_timestamp UNIX Epoch time The time and date when the video second quartile event was received by Xandr. Both
51 video_hit_75_pct_timestamp UNIX Epoch time The time and date when the video third quartile event was received by Xandr. Both
52 video_completed_timestamp UNIX Epoch time The time and date when the video completed event was received by Xandr. Both
53 vg_id Int Field is part of an ongoing alpha release. Buyer

Error codes

The table below shows a complete listing of error codes and their meanings.


You may receive error codes in the feed that are not present in the list below. If you do, those error codes are generally non-VAST-compliant custom codes sent from the video player.

Error Codes Definition
100 XML parsing error.
101 VAST schema validation error.
102 VAST version of response not supported.
200 Trafficking error. Video player received an ad type that it was not expecting and/or cannot display.
201 Video player expecting different linearity.
202 Video player expecting different duration.
203 Video player expecting different size.
300 General Wrapper error.
301 Timeout of VAST URI provided in Wrapper element, or of VAST URI provided in a subsequent Wrapper element. Includes request errors such as invalid URI, unreachable or request timeout for URI, and security or other exceptions related to requesting a VAST URI.
302 Wrapper limit reached, as defined by the video player. Too many Wrapper responses have been received with no InLine response.
303 No ads VAST response after one or more Wrappers. Also includes number of empty VAST responses from fallback.
400 General linear error. Video player is unable to display the linear ad.
401 File not found. Unable to find Linear/MediaFile from URI.
402 Timeout of MediaFile URI.
403 Could not find MediaFile that is supported by this video player, based on the attributes of the MediaFile element.
405 Problem displaying MediaFile.
500 General NonLinearAds error.
501 Unable to display NonLinear Ad because creative dimensions do not align with creative display area (i.e., creative dimension too large).
502 Unable to fetch NonLinearAds/NonLinear resource.
503 Could not find NonLinearresource with supported type.
600 General CompanionAds error.
601 Unable to display companion because creative dimensions do not fit within Companion display area (i.e., no available space).
602 Unable to display Required Companion.
603 Unable to fetch CompanionAds/Companion resource.
604 Could not find Companion resource with supported type.
900 Undefined error.
901 General VPAID error.