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Microsoft Invest - Partnership details screen

On the Partnership details screen you can review and manage your relationship with a specific seller. You can track overall spend trends, view your top brands on the seller's inventory, view the seller's top publishers from whom you have purchased inventory, view active and pending deals, and communicate with the seller to negotiate a deal.

To reach this screen, select Inventory > Partners.

View seller contact info and description

Select a seller and select Show Profile to view profile information the seller has provided, including the main contact's name, phone number, email address, and a description of their business. You can contact the seller directly by sending a message within the Activity Stream. For more information about the Activity Stream, see Communicate with the seller.


If the seller has not entered their contact's name, phone number, email address, or a description of their business, then this information will not be available.

View your performance on the seller's inventory

Select a seller to view statistics about how your ad campaigns are performing on the seller's inventory. These statistics update every 24 hours.


If you have not purchased any inventory from the seller, there will be no information to display in the dashboard.


A graph displays spend from all transactions between you and the seller within the last 30 days. You can use this graph to monitor your activity on the seller's inventory. If you are targeting an active deal, this graph can help give you insight into the deal's effectiveness. Since the spend displayed here reflects all transactions, this graph will not help you keep track of the spend from a specific deal.

There is a data point for every day. Hover over a data point to see the date it represents and the spend amount for that day.

Spend by top publishers

A table lists the seller's top publishers from whom you have purchased inventory, listed in order from most to least spend. This information tells you which of the seller's publishers you are performing best on.

Communicate with the seller

In the Activity Stream, the Messages tab shows messages between you and the seller along with the number of days since the message was posted. You can use the Activity Stream to introduce yourself to a new seller, request changes to your eligibility, allowed payment types, and targeting access, or discuss why your targeting access isn't working for you.

In this section you can:

  • Send a message: Send the seller a message by typing into the field at the top of the section, and then selecting Post. When you post a new message, the system sends a notification to the contact in the seller's profile.
  • View last update information: Text at the top of the section will note when the Activity Stream was last updated.
  • Hide Activity Stream: Select the Hide Activity Stream icon ("<") to collapse the section and provide more working space.

Select the Notifications tab in the Activity Stream to view system messages.

View your settings for the seller


Inventory trust settings are not applicable in Invest DSP.

The seller eligibility and inventory trust settings display in the My Settings for {Seller Name} section.

View the seller's settings for You

The eligibility (My Eligibility), Allowed Payment Types, and Targeting Access settings the seller has set for you display in the {Seller Name} Settings for Me section. The Targeting Access settings show you what the seller has exposed or hidden and include the following:

  • URLs - If domains are exposed, you can more easily target the seller's inventory using allowlists.
  • Categories (Universal) or Categories (Custom) - If Universal or Custom Categories are exposed, you can more easily target via categories.
  • Age or Gender - If age or gender information is exposed, you can target via those demographics.
  • Placements or Publishers - If placements or publishers are exposed, you can more easily directly target a placement or publisher. For more information on targeting specific placements or publishers, see Direct Inventory Targeting (ALI).

Edit partner settings


Inventory trust settings are not applicable in Invest DSP.

Select Edit in the My Settings for {Seller Name} sectionto manage the inventory trust settings you have set for the seller.

View deals

Deals displays the number of deals available to you from the seller. Select the number to display current and past deals from the seller. Each deal displays with additional details, see Manage Your Deals with Sellers for more information.

Edit a deal

If you would like to make changes to a deal, send the seller a message to discuss your needs (see Communicate with the seller). The seller can then edit the deal.

Run a report on deals

You can run a report to see how your deals are performing. See Buy-Side Reporting on Deals for more information.

Request a custom deal

If you see a package in the Package Marketplace that interests you but needs some modification, you can send the seller a message with your request. Select Request a Custom Deal, explain your need, and then select Submit to post your message in the Activity Stream on the Partner Details page (Inventory > Partners). Use the Activity Stream to continue your negotiation with the seller. If the seller agrees to the change you requested, you will need to generate a deal from a package (see below). The seller will then modify your deal to meet your needs.

Generate a deal from a package

If you are interested in the packaged inventory, you can generate deals between you and the seller. Select Add to Cart near the desired packages, then select Get Deals to create deals that you can target. For step-by-step instructions, see Get Deals from Seller Packages.

Target a deal from the Packages tab

If you generated a deal from a package, your deal ID is displayed in the Selected Packages section, see Get Deals from Seller Packages., for more information. You can target deals using line item deal targeting. For more information, see Deal Targeting (ALI).