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Report pagination

Report Pagination is a feature that allows API users to retrieve long-running reports that would otherwise time out before they complete processing. For more information about reporting API usage limits, see the Report Throttling section of the Report Service page.

Crafting a more granular report with fewer dimensions and metrics or pulling a report on a shorter timeframe is usually the best option for ensuring that a report does not time out. For tips on keeping your reports lean and focused, see the API Best Practices page.

In some cases, however, it is not practical to change the dimensions, metrics or timeframe. Report pagination can help bridge the gap and allow you to retrieve a long-running report in smaller chunks.

Report pagination required fields

The feature requires that you include three fields in the body of your JSON request (for details, see the Examples):

Field Type Description
"offset" int The row number that this report should start from.
"num_elements" int The number of rows this report should return in total.
"orders" array of strings The order of the dimensions in the report.

Implementing report pagination

If you have used the API's paging system for retrieving configuration bjects from the API (as described in the Paging section of API Semantics), this feature should feel familiar.

The "num_elements" field is used to specify how many rows are in each "page" of the report, and has no maximum value but should be tuned to a number that allows the report to process without timing out.

The "offset" field should start at 0 and should increment in multiples of "num_elements" until all rows of the report have been retrieved. When the report is retrieved, if there are n-1 or fewer rows in the report (where n equals the value in "num_elements"), then you have requested all of the available rows in the report. If there are n rows, then you should request another paginated report.  


The "orders" field should include an ordering for all dimensions included in your report. If you submit a request for a paginated report without the "orders" field or without all dimensions in the report, you may be missing rows of data or duplicating rows of data between the paged requests of your report.

How many rows should you retrieve at once?

There is no maximum value on the "num_elements" field, so you will want to tune this number against the time it takes to run a report in the specific member seat that you are retrieving. Most large reports can safely be retrieved with the "num_elements" field set to a value between 1MM rows and 2MM rows, but you should test that value for your own report.


Step 1: Create the paginated report JSON

This particular report will consist of two report requests: report_page_1.json and report_page_2.json.


The requests are identical except for the "offset" field, and that the "orders" field is required.

$ cat report_page_1.json    
    "report": {
        "start_date"    : "2014-03-27",
        "end_date"      : "2014-03-28",
     "orders": [
     "offset": 0,
     "num_elements": 2000000
$ cat report_page_2.json    
        "start_date"    : "2014-03-27",
        "end_date"      : "2014-03-28",
     "orders": [
     "offset": 2000000,
     "num_elements": 2000000

Step 2: Submit the requests

$ curl -b cookie -c cookie -X POST -s -d @report_page_1.json ""
  "response": {
    "status": "OK",
    "report_id": "6b7a44dc1b3f8bc47cd4d8sd32e4f841c",
    "existing": true,
    "dbg_info": {
$ curl -b cookie -c cookie -X POST -s -d @report_page_2.json ""
  "response": {
    "status": "OK",
    "report_id": "700367274ae2c84b337436a4absdd835",
    "existing": true,
    "dbg_info": {

Step 3: Check that both reports process

$ curl -b cookie -c cookie -s "" 
  "response": {
    "status": "OK",
    "report": {
      "name": null,
      "created_on": "2014-04-10 23:01:36",
      "cache_hit": false,
      "fact_cache_hit": false,
      "fact_cache_error": "did not find any cache table for 1,2,30,31,66,32,34,36,6,4,5,100,110",
      "json_request": "{\"report\":{\"report_type\":\"network_site_domain_performance\",\"start_date\":\"2014-03-27\",\"end_date\":\"2014-03-28\",\"groups\":[\"advertiser_id\"],\"columns\":[\"day\",\"buyer_member_id\",\"advertiser_id\",\"line_item_id\",\"campaign_id\",\"top_level_category_name\",\"top_level_category_id\",\"second_level_category_name\",\"second_level_category_id\",\"deal_id\",\"deal_name\",\"deal_code\",\"site_domain\",\"imps\",\"clicks\",\"post_click_convs\",\"post_view_convs\",\"media_cost\",\"booked_revenue\"],\"row_per\":[\"day\",\"buyer_member_id\",\"advertiser_id\",\"line_item_id\",\"campaign_id\",\"top_level_category_id\",\"second_level_category_id\",\"deal_id\",\"site_domain\"],\"orders\":[\"day\",\"buyer_member_id\",\"advertiser_id\",\"line_item_id\",\"campaign_id\",\"top_level_category_id\",\"second_level_category_id\",\"deal_id\",\"site_domain\"],\"offset\":0,\"num_elements\":2000000,\"filters\":[{\"buyer_member_id\":958}]}}",
      "header_info": "Report ID:,6b7a44dc1b3f8bc47cd4d8e32e4f841c\r\nRun at:,2014-04-10 23:01:36\r\nStart date:,2014-03-27 00:00:00\r\nEnd date:,2014-03-28 00:00:00\r\nTimezone:,\r\nUser:,Uri Bushey (123456)\r\n",
      "row_count": "2000000",
      "report_size": "248161427",
      "url": "report-download?id=6b7a44dc1b3f8bc47cd4d8e32e4f841c"
    "execution_status": "ready",
    "dbg_info": {
$ curl -b cookie -c cookie -s "" 
  "response": {
    "status": "OK",
    "report": {
      "name": null,
      "created_on": "2014-04-10 23:01:41",
      "cache_hit": false,
      "fact_cache_hit": false,
      "fact_cache_error": "did not find any cache table for 1,2,30,31,66,32,34,36,6,4,5,100,110",
      "json_request": "{\"report\":{\"report_type\":\"network_site_domain_performance\",\"start_date\":\"2014-03-27\",\"end_date\":\"2014-03-28\",\"groups\":[\"advertiser_id\"],\"columns\":[\"day\",\"buyer_member_id\",\"advertiser_id\",\"line_item_id\",\"campaign_id\",\"top_level_category_name\",\"top_level_category_id\",\"second_level_category_name\",\"second_level_category_id\",\"deal_id\",\"deal_name\",\"deal_code\",\"site_domain\",\"imps\",\"clicks\",\"post_click_convs\",\"post_view_convs\",\"media_cost\",\"booked_revenue\"],\"row_per\":[\"day\",\"buyer_member_id\",\"advertiser_id\",\"line_item_id\",\"campaign_id\",\"top_level_category_id\",\"second_level_category_id\",\"deal_id\",\"site_domain\"],\"orders\":[\"day\",\"buyer_member_id\",\"advertiser_id\",\"line_item_id\",\"campaign_id\",\"top_level_category_id\",\"second_level_category_id\",\"deal_id\",\"site_domain\"],\"offset\":2000000,\"num_elements\":2000000,\"filters\":[{\"buyer_member_id\":958}]}}",
      "header_info": "Report ID:,700367274ae2c84b337436a4ab80b835\r\nRun at:,2014-04-10 23:01:41\r\nStart date:,2014-03-27 00:00:00\r\nEnd date:,2014-03-28 00:00:00\r\nTimezone:,\r\nUser:,Uri Bushey (12345)\r\n",
      "row_count": "1834708",
      "report_size": "226384504",
      "url": "report-download?id=700367274ae2c84b337436a4ab80b835"
    "execution_status": "ready",
    "dbg_info": {

Step 4: Download the finished reports

curl -b cookie -c cookie -s "' > report_page_1.csv
curl -b cookie -c cookie -s "' > report_page_2.csv

Step 5: Check that row count matches total row count

$ wc -l report_page_1.csv 
2000000 report_page_1.csv
$ wc -l report_page_2.csv 
1834708 report_page_2.csv