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Digital Platform API - Instant Audience service


Alpha-Beta Notice

This field or feature is part of functionality currently in either Alpha or Beta phase. It is therefore subject to change.

The Instant Audience Service is a server-side method that uses a streaming architecture to add individual or small groups of users to segments, via the Digital Platform API. Rather than aggregating and periodically sending large batches of data using the Batch Segment Service, the Instant Audience Service associates' users to segments in close to real-time. Our target SLA for adding users to segments with this service is 2 minutes. This is useful if you have real-time audience remodeling requirements.

Configure the service

If you're already using the Batch Segment Service, you can skip this part and proceed to Authenticate. If you're a brand-new client and wish to start using the Instant Audience Service, you will need to open a ticket with and provide the following information:

  1. Are you using external user IDs (i.e., you use mapUID to store the mapping with Xandr)? If you use another member's external user IDs, include their member_id as well.
  2. Do you need to populate segments belonging to other members? If so, provide the associated member_ids.
  3. When you would like your segments to expire by default (e.g., never expire, expire 60 days from now, etc.)? Note that if you include EXPIRATION in your seg block, your default expiration will not be used.
  4. The following questions are for our internal capacity planning:
    • What is the number of unique user IDs per post?
    • What is the number of expected posts per day?
    • What is the number of unique segments per post?


Refer to the Authentication Service for a general overview on how to make calls to the Xandr API. Just like any other service, you'll authenticate against However, subsequent calls will be made to the Instant Audience Service at


In the authentication response, make note of the token as it will be needed for subsequent calls to the Instant Audience Service.

Example response from the Authentication Service:

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "token": "hbapi:123456:9876abcd54321:nym2",
        "dbg_info": {

The token returned in the response must be included in subsequent calls to the Instant Audience Service in the authorization header or as an access_token query string parameter, as shown in the following examples:

Authorization header

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: hbapi:123456:9876abcd54321:nym2"

Query string

curl -X POST

Add/remove users from segments

After authenticating, you're now ready to add/remove a user to/from a segment, via a JSON file.


Be sure to wait approximately 20 minutes before trying to add users to any newly created segments (to allow these segments to be propagated to all servers). As a best practice, try to minimize the creation of new segments, re-use existing segments where possible or use segment valuesto further sub-divide users within existing segments. These practices will ensure successful user add/remove to/from segments. For details on creating segment values, see Segment Pixels: Advanced and Segment Targeting in the UI documentation.

The following example demonstrates how to assign a user to two segments. In this example, the member is adding user ID 12345678900987654321 (this is a Xandr user ID) to segments 10001 and 10002, setting both associations with value = 1 and expiration within 1440 minutes.

Example on how to assign a user to two segments

API call

curl -X POST-H "Authorization: hbapi:123456:9876abcd54321:nym2"-d @json/segment.json ""

JSON payload




JSON fields

rt_segment array

Field Type Description
user_id string This would either be the Xandr user_id or an id based on the domain, such as "AEBE52E7-03EE-455A-B3C4-E57283966239", as an example of a device identifier.
Required: At least one.
seg_block array Array of segment blocks for segments to associate with the user (see segment block structure below).
Required: At least one.
domain string Type of identifier being used in the request, such as Xandr user ID (represented with null) or device identifier (idfa, sha1udid, md5udid, openudid, and aaid).

Do not use sha1mac, which was deprecated in 2019.

seg_block array

Field Type Description
seg_id int The Xandr segment ID.
Required: If not using seg_code and member_id to identify segment.
seg_code string A user-defined name for the segment.

Note: You may either include SEG_CODE and member_id or SEG_ID, but not both.

Required: If not using seg_ID to identify segment.
value int A numeric value you would like to assign to a segment.
expiration int The lifetime of the user-segment association in minutes, starting from when we read it. A value of 0 means that the segment will never expire; -1 means that the user will be removed from this segment.
member_id int The member ID of the segment owner for the seg_block.
Required: If using seg_code.


Field Type Description
status string Describes whether the add/remove went through or resulted in an error.
users_in_request int The number of users read in the request.

Note: This will simply show the number of users initially detected in the request regardless of whether they are valid.
segments_in_request int The number of segments read in the request.

This will simply show the number of segments initially detected in the request regardless of whether they are valid in our system, and without regard to what users they are being associated with in the call.

Additional POST scenarios

Using device ID (IDFA)

curl -X POST-H "Authorization: hbapi:123456:9876abcd54321:nym2"-d @json/segment.json ""
JSON payload (IDFA)
Response (IDFA)

Using codes for other members

curl -X POST-H "Authorization: hbapi:123456:9876abcd54321:nym2"-d @json/segment.json ""
JSON payload codes for other members
- "domain":null
Response codes for other members

Service limits


Service limits may change during alpha and beta testing of this service.

In order to adhere to a maximum of two minutes activation time, the Instant Audience Service currently has the following limits:

Limit Type Description
Call Rate Up to 100 POST calls per second (per member) and up to 1000 GET calls per second (per member). If you exceed this rate limit, the following message will be returned: "Rate limit exceeded. You have exceeded your request limit of 1000 reads per 1 seconds to rt-segment-processed, wait and try again or contact Xandr for higher limits".
Objects - Up to 1000 users per second.
- Up to 100 segments per user per call.
Payload Size The JSON payload should not exceed 1MB.

Examples error scenarios

Add/remove over 1000 users in a request

API call to add or remove over 1000 users in a request

curl -X POST-H "Authorization: hbapi:123456:9876abcd54321:nym2"-d @json/1002_users.json ""

JSON payload for 1000 users in a request

#... assume there are additional 1000 users inthisarray(1002in total)

Response for 1000 users in a request

"message":"Too many user_ids in request.",
#... similar error will be sent for each user over 1000

seg_id or seg_code and member_id are not provided

JSON payload (seg_id/seg_code and member_id error scenario)

"rt_segment": [

Response (seg_id/seg_code and member_id error scenario)

"message":"'seg_id' or 'seg_code' and 'member_id' are required",
"message":"No valid segments for user_id: 1.",
"message":"No valid rt_segment in request.",

seg_block not provided

JSON payload (seg_block error scenario)


Response (seg_block error scenario)

"message":"'seg_block' is required",
"message":"No valid rt_segment in request.",

user_id is empty

JSON payload (user_id error scenario)


Response (user_id error scenario)

"message":"'user_id' is required and cannot be empty",
"message":"No valid rt_segment in request.",