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Curated Deal Line Item API setup guide

Setting up an API implementation of a Curated Deal Line Item to target a deal requires configuring a number of different properties on different API objects. This guide will explain the process of creating and configuring a curated deal line item using our API.


Curated deals represent a negotiated agreement between a buyer and a curator that combines a curator’s proprietary assets with Xandr Marketplace supply. These proprietary assets can include audience data, preferred inventory access, specially negotiated rates, optimization talent, investment strategy, and other features that enhance the deal supply and create a unique offering. Deal curators have their own member seat on the Xandr Platform, which they use to package supply and their own assets into curated deal IDs for buyers. Any DSP integrated to the Xandr exchange can buy curated deals.

Setting up a curated deal line item typically involves making requests to the following API service endpoints to access or create the corresponding API objects:

API Endpoint API Object Detailed Reference advertiser Advertiser Service insertion-order Insertion Order Service deal Deal Service profile Profile Service line-item (ALI) Line Item - ALI Service

This guide uses cURL examples for all requests. You can use other API request tools (e.g., Postman), but you’ll then need to adjust the examples accordingly.


Before beginning this setup, be sure to read API Getting Started. It provides information on testing environments, usage constraints, API semantics (running commands, filtering, sorting, etc.), and best practices.

Order of operations

API objects often have dependencies on other API objects and there is an order you must follow in creating or accessing objects when you create a curated deal line item. For example, you must provide the IDs of the following API objects: advertiserinsertion-order, deal, and profile. To obtain the IDs for these objects, you'll need to either create them or already have access to them. The steps in this guide follow the typical order of operations required to create a curated deal line item.

Best practices

For a general list of best practices to follow when working with the API, see API Best Practices. The following are some best practices that are specific to a curated deal line item setup:

  • Set the state field of the curated deal line item to "inactive" until the line item is fully configured and ready for testing.
  • Note the ID of any objects you create. The IDs of objects you create are returned in the response body of requests. You'll often need these IDs later so copying them when they're returned can reduce the number of additional GET requests you have to make to obtain them.

Setup procedure

The following steps will guide you through the process of setting up a curated deal line item with typical configurations:

Step 1 - Obtain an authorization token

First, you’ll need to obtain an authorization token. You must then include this authorization token in all subsequent requests (see Authentication Service for more information). To obtain an authorization token, do the following:

  1. Create a JSON file containing your username and password.

        "auth": {
            "username" : "USERNAME",
            "password" : "PASSWORD"
  2. Make a POST request to the /auth endpoint with this JSON file in the request body (see Authentication Service for more information). In the cURL request below, the authorization token returned is stored in the “cookies” file.

    curl -c cookies -X POST -d @authentication.json ''
  3. Check the response body of your request (see Example Response below). If your request was successful, you’ll get a "status" of “OK” and the "token" field will be populated with the authentication token value.

    Example response

       "response" : {
          "token" : "authn:225692:2d787d1838283:lax1",
          "status" : "OK"      

Step 2 - Create or access an advertiser

You'll need to create or access an advertiser from which to create a curated deal line item. You set up advertisers for curated deal line items the same way you would for augmented line items.

If you don't already have an advertiser to use, create an advertiser by doing the following (see Advertiser Service for more information):

  1. Create an advertiser JSON:

    $ cat advertiser.json
        "advertiser": {
            "name": "Curated Deal Line Item Example Advertiser",
            "timezone": "US/Pacific"
  2. Make a POST request to the endpoint with this advertiser JSON and an appropriate member_id.

    $ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @advertiser.json ''
  3. Check the response body of your request. If your request was successful, you’ll get a "status" of “OK” and you’ll see the updates you made.

  4. Note the advertiser ID in the response body so you can use it when you create the curated deal line item in Step 6 - Create a curated deal line item.

JSON fields for advertiser (required and useful optional fields)

Field Type Required or Optional Description
name string Required The name of the advertiser
timezone enum Optional The timezone of the advertiser. See API Timezones for details and accepted values.
use_insertion_orders boolean Required This field must be set to true in order to create curated deal line items.

Step 3 - Create or access an insertion order

You'll need to create or access an insertion order to create a curated deal line item. Curated deal line items require a seamless insertion order (see required fields below).

If you don't already have an insertion order to use, create an insertion order by doing the following (see Insertion Order Service for more information):

  1. Create an insertion order JSON:

    Example JSON: No end date, no budget

    $ cat insertion-order-noenddate.json
        "insertion-order": {
            "name": "Curated Deal Line Item Example IO",
            "budget_intervals": [{
                "start_date": "2019-10-10 00:00:00",
                "end_date": null,
                "daily_budget": null,
                "daily_budget_imps": null,
                "enable_pacing": true,
                "lifetime_budget": null,
                "lifetime_budget_imps": null,
                "lifetime_pacing": false
            "budget_type": "impression"
  2. Make a POST request to the endpoint with this insertion order JSON and an appropriate advertiser_id and member_id.

    Example request: No end date, no budget

    $ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @insertion-order-noenddate.json ''
  3. Check the response body of your request. If your request was successful, you’ll get a "status" of “OK” and you’ll see the updates you made.

  4. Note the insertion order ID in the response body so you can use it when you create the curated deal line item in Step 6 - Create a curated deal line item.

JSON fields for seamless insertion order

Field Type Required or Optional Description
budget_intervals array of objects Required In order for an insertion order created via the API to be seamless, you must use the budget_intervals field.
name string Required The name of the advertiser

Step 4 - Create a deal

You'll need to create the deal you want to associate with the curated deal line item.

To create a deal, do the following (see Deal Service for more information):

  1. Create a deal JSON:

    $ cat deal.json
        "deal": {
            "name": "Curated Deal",
            "buyer": {
                "id": 2379
            "type": {
                "id": 5,
                "name": "Curated"
            "version": 2
  2. Make a POST request to the endpoint with this deal JSON and an appropriate member_id.

    $ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @deal.json ''
  3. Check the response body of your request. If your request was successful, you’ll get a "status" of “OK” and you’ll see the updates you made.

  4. Note the deal ID in the response body so you can use it when you create the deal line item in Step 6 - Create a curated deal line item.

JSON fields for deal

Field Type Required or Optional Description
auction_type object Optional The auction type of the deal (Standard/Fixed/Market). This value must match what's set on the curated deal line item (via revenue_type/min_revenue_value/revenue_value).
buyer string Required The buyer member ID of the deal. This field cannot be changed after creation.
name string Required The name of the deal.
Note: The buyer will see this name.
type object Required The type of deal. This field must be set to "5" for curated deals.
version int Required This field must be set to "2" in order to associate the deal to a curated deal line item.

Useful optional JSON fields

JSON fields for allowed creatives
Brand (see Brand Service)
Field Type Description
brand_restrict boolean - True: Deal is restricted only to the listed brands
- False: Other brands are allowed to serve
brands array of objects Array of eligible brands
id int Field within brands: ID of the brand that is eligible for the deal
name string Field within brands: Name of the brand that is eligible for the deal
override boolean Field within brands: Set to true to allow a specific brand to serve for a deal even if the ad quality profile would have blocked it.

Brand example

"brand_restrict": true,
            "brands": [
                    "id": 2,
                    "name": "1800Flowers",
                    "override": true
                    "id": 4,
                    "name": "Acura",
                    "override": false
Media type (see Media Subtype Service and Media Type Service)
Field Type Description
allowed_media_subtypes array of objects The media subtypes allowed for the deal.
id int Field within allowed_media_subtypes: The ID of the media subtype allowed for the deal
allowed_media_types array of objects The media types allowed for the deal
id int Field within allowed_media_types: The ID of the media type allowed for the deal

Media type example

"allowed_media_subtypes": [
                     "id": 2,
                     "last_modified": "2015-09-17 19:19:21",
                     "media_type": {
                         "id": 2,
                         "media_type_group_id": 2,
                         "name": "Pop",
                         "uses_sizes": "sometimes"
                     "name": "Popup",
                     "native_assets": null,
                     "permitted_sizes": null
 "allowed_media_types": [
                     "id": 1,
                     "last_modified": "2012-03-16 21:36:10",
                     "media_type_group_id": 1,
                     "name": "Banner",
                     "uses_sizes": "always"
                     "id": 4,
                     "last_modified": "2016-08-22 16:23:12",
                     "media_type_group_id": 1,
                     "name": "Video",
                     "uses_sizes": "never"

Step 5 - Create a curated deal line item profile

Next, create a curated deal line item profile to use in targeting with the curated deal line item. Be sure to note the ID for this profile for later use. See Profile Service for more information.


You can target sellers' publishers, placements, and categories with a curated deal line item by using following arrays:

  • platform_publisher_targets
  • platform_placement_targets
  • platform_content_category_targets.

You cannot use placement_targets, publisher_targets, or content_category_targets with a curated deal line item. See Profile Service for more information.

To create a curated deal line item profile, do the following (see Profile Service for more information):

  1. Create a curated deal line item profile JSON:

    Example: Profile creation with country and view rate completion rate thresholds

    $ cat profile.json
            "profile": {
                    "country_action": "include",
                    "country_targets": [{
                            "active": true,
                            "code": "US",
                            "id": 233,
                            "name": "United States"
                    "engagement_rate_targets": [{
                                    "engagement_rate_pct": 25,
                                    "engagement_rate_type": "video_completion"
                                    "engagement_rate_pct": 50,
                                    "engagement_rate_type": "predicted_iab_video_view_rate"
                    "platform_publisher_targets": [{
                            "action": "include",
                            "deleted": false,
                            "id": 1238721,
                            "name": "test_publisher"
                    "platform_placement_targets": [{
                                    "action": "include",
                                    "deleted": false,
                                    "id": 5126395
                                    "action": "include",
                                    "deleted": false,
                                    "id": 5301719
                    "platform_content_category_targets": [{
                            "action": "include",
                            "deleted": false,
                            "id": 19062,
                            "is_system": false,
                            "name": "1"

    Example: Profile creation without targeting

    > cat profile.json
        "profile": {
  2. Make a POST request to the endpoint with this curated deal profile JSON and an appropriate advertiser_id.

    Example: Profile creation with country and view rate completion rate thresholds

    > curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @profile.json ''

    Example: Profile creation without targeting

    > curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @profile.json ''
  3. Check the response body of your request. If your request was successful, you’ll get a "status" of “OK” and you’ll see the updates you made.

  4. Note the profile ID in the response body so you can use it when you create the curated deal line item in Step 6 - Create a curated deal line item.

Optional JSON fields for deal line item profile

There are many optional fields available in the curated deal line item profile for targeting with the curated deal line item. For example, you can target properties associated with inventory, inventory types, allowlists, blocklists, device types, and so forth. See the Profile Service for more information on available fields.

Step 6 - Create a curated deal line item

Finally, you'll need to create the curated deal line item to associate the deal ID and the curated deal line item profile you created in Step 5 - Create a curated deal line item profile.

To create a curated deal line item, do the following (see Line Item Service for more information):

  1. Create a curated deal line item JSON (you'll need an existing advertiser ID, insertion order ID, deal ID, and profile ID).

    Example JSON: Curated deal line item no budget

    > cat curated_deal_line_item.json
            "line-item": {
                    "ad_types": ["video"],
                    "auction_event": {
                            "kpi_auction_type_id": 1,
                            "payment_auction_type_id": 1,
                            "revenue_auction_type_id": 1
                    "budget_intervals": [{
                            "start_date": "2019-10-11 12:00:00"
                    "deals": [{
                            "id": 628539
                    "insertion_orders": [{
                            "id": 1363850
                    "line_item_subtype": "standard_curated",
                    "name": "Curated Deal Line Item Example Line Item",
                    "revenue_type": "vcpm",
                    "revenue_value": null,
                    "supply_strategies": {
                            "managed": false,
                            "deals": true,
                            "rtb": false
                    "profile_id": 113067333,
                    "valuation": {
                            "min_revenue_value": 10

    Example JSON: Curated deal line item daily revenue budget

    > cat curated_deal_line_item_daily.json
            "line-item": {
                    "ad_types": ["video"],
                    "auction_event": {
                            "kpi_auction_type_id": 1,
                            "payment_auction_type_id": 1,
                            "revenue_auction_type_id": 1
                    "budget_intervals": [{
                            "daily_budget_imps": 270,
                            "end_date": "2019-10-18 23:59:59",
                            "start_date": "2019-10-11 12:00:00",
                            "timezone": "US/Pacific"
                    "deals": [{
                            "id": 618159
                    "insertion_orders": [{
                            "id": 1363850
                    "line_item_subtype": "standard_curated",
                    "name": "Curated Deal Line Item Example Line Item",
                    "revenue_type": "vcpm",
                    "revenue_value": null,
                    "supply_strategies": {
                            "managed": true,
                            "deals": true,
                            "rtb": false
                    "profile_id": 113067333,
                    "valuation": {
                            "min_revenue_value": 10
  2. Make a POST request to the endpoint using this deal line item JSON and an appropriate advertiser_id.

    Example request: Curated deal line item no budget

    > curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @curated_deal_line_item.json ''

    Example request: Curated deal line item daily revenue budget

    > curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @curated_deal_line_item_daily.json ''
  3. Check the response body of your request. If your request was successful, you’ll get a "status" of “OK” and you’ll see the updates you made.

  4. Note the line item ID in the response body so you can identify this curated deal line item later to change its state (active or inactive) or modify it.

JSON fields for curated deal line item

Field Type Description
insertion_orders array Array containing the insertion order ID you want to associate this curated deal line item to
name string Name of the curated deal line item (Note: the buyer will not see this)
ad_types array The type of creative used for this curated deal line item. Possible values:
- "banner"
- "video" (includes audio types as well)
- "native"
line_item_subtype enum The line item subtype. For curated deal line items, the value for this field must be "standard_curated". See note for this field.
profile_id integer Profile ID associated with the curated deal line item (see Step 5 - Create a curated deal line item profile)
budget_intervals array of objects Always include a start_date. Leave end_date null for a no end date deal line item.
deals array of objects The id field within deals must be the ID of the deal you created in Step 4 - Create a deal.
supply_strategies object An object containing several boolean fields used to designate which inventory supply sources you would like to target.

For a curated deal line item, the managed field must be set to false (this value is assigned when the "line_item_subtype" is set to "standard_curated")

Note: The rtb and/or deals fields must be set to true (these fields are not assigned when "line_item_subtype" is set to "standard_curated"), so you will need to assign these values accordingly.

Terminology Note:
- rtb refers to Open Exchange Inventory Aggregation
- deals refers to Rollup Deals
revenue_type enum cpm for Fixed Price (CPM) deal, vcpm for Standard Price (Dynamic CPM) deal.
revenue_value double If you set the revenue_type to cpm (Fixed), set the fixed price using revenue_value. If you're using Standard, set this value to null.
valuation object For curated deals, use the following valuation object fields:
- min_revenue_value
- If you set the revenue_type to vcpm (Standard), set the floor price in min_revenue_value.
- If you set the revenue_type to cpm (Fixed), set the value of min_revenue_value to null.

- min_margin_cpm - Set the margin value in min_margin_cpm when using CPM as a margin type.

- min_margin_pct - Set the margin value in min_margin_pct when using percentage as a margin type.

Note: The min_margin_cpm and min_margin_pct fields cannot both be set at the same time. If one is set, the other must be null.
auction_event object Object for auction event type properties: The kpi_auction_type_id, payment_auction_type_id, and revenue_auction_type_id fields of the auction_event object must all be set to 1.
Note for line_item_subtype field

Setting line_item_subtype field to "standard_curated" will automatically assign the following values to these related fields.

"line_item_type": "standard_v2",
"bid_object_type": "deal",
"delivery_model_type": "standard",
"supply_strategies": {
"managed": false,
"programmatic_guaranteed": false

The line_item_subtype field (and associated fields/arrays) cannot be changed after the line item is created.

Useful optional JSON fields for curated deal line item
Field Type Description
budget_intervals array of objects Set a budget on the deal using fields within budget_intervals including: daily_budget, daily_budget_imps, lifetime_budget, or lifetime_budget_imps. Use the fields with no imp if the curated deal line item has revenue budget type or the fields with _imp at the end if the deal line item has revenue type impression. You can either have a daily or lifetime budget, not both. A lifetime budget that sits across flights ends up being broken out across each flight via the API. Remember that if your deal has no end date, it can't have a budget.
state enum State of the curated deal line item. Default is active, so set to inactive if you don't want the deal to go live right away.