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Conversion Pixel service

The Pixel Service can be used to create conversion pixels to place on advertiser pages to track both view and click-based conversions.


Once you have a conversion pixel ID, the basic format of an image conversion pixel is <img src="media/px?id=37&t=2" width="1" height="1" />.


Segment pixels are created separately via the Segment Service.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
GET View all conversion pixels.
GET,456,789 View an array of specific conversion pixels.
GET View all conversion pixels for one of your advertisers.
GET View all conversion pixels for one of your advertisers.
GET View a particular conversion pixel for one of your advertisers.
GET View a particular conversion pixel for one of your advertisers.
GET Find out which fields you can filter and sort by.
POST Add a new conversion pixel to one of your advertisers.
POST Add a new conversion pixel to one of your advertisers.
PUT Modify an existing conversion pixel.
PUT Modify an existing conversion pixel.
DELETE Delete an existing conversion pixel.

Note: You cannot delete a pixel that is used by one or more line items. You must edit the line item to remove the conversion pixel first.

JSON fields

Field Type Description
advertiser_id int The ID of the advertiser that owns the pixel.
Required On: POST
campaigns array The campaigns with which the pixel is associated. For details about the fields in this array, see Campaigns below.
Read Only.
code string The custom code for the pixel.
created_on timestamp The date and time when the pixel was created.
Read Only.
id int The internal ID associated with the pixel.
Required On: PUT
name string The name of the pixel.
Required On: POST
last_modified timestamp The date and time when the pixel was last modified.
Read Only.
line_items array The line items with which the pixel is associated. For details about the fields in this array, see Line Items below.
Read Only.
min_minutes_per_conv int The interval (in minutes) to allow a repeat conversion. Maximum value is 32767 (22 days).
- If set to 0: count all conversions.
- If set to null (default): Count one per user.
Default: null
piggyback_pixels array of objects The URLs of the pixels you want us to fire when the conversion pixel fires. For details, see Piggyback Pixels below.
pixel_conversion_event array The pixel conversion event category with which the pixel is associated. For details, see Pixel Conversion Event below.
Read Only.
pixel_conversion_event_id enum Optional. The ID of the conversion event associated with the pixel. Setting an event category will not affect our optimization algorithms immediately. Instead, it provides our optimization team with valuable data for prediction that we can start to test and incorporate. If you don't see a good match for your type of conversion event, leave this field blank.
Possible values are:
- null: No category selected.
- 2: Visit landing page - A user visits your website after being served an ad.
- 3: Item view - A user visits a page on your website that displays one or more products or services.
- 4: Add to cart - A user adds one or more of your products or services to their shopping cart.
- 5: Initiate checkout - A user begins the checkout process.
- 6: Add payment info - A user adds payment information, such as a credit card number, during the checkout process.
- 7: Purchase - A confirmed sale of your product or service.
- 8: Generate lead - Collect lead information, such as email addresses or zip codes, from people interested in your business.
post_click_expire_mins int The interval (in minutes) from impression time allowed for a click conversion to be counted as eligible. Maximum value is 129600 (90 days). If set to 0 or null, the maximum lookback window applies.
post_click_value double The value you attribute to a conversion after a click.
post_view_expire_mins int The interval (in minutes) from impression time allowed for a view conversion to be counted as eligible. Maximum value is 43200 (30 days). If set to 0 or null, the maximum lookback window applies.
post_view_value double The value you attribute to a conversion after a view.
state enum The state of the pixel.
Possible values: "active" or "inactive".
trigger_type enum The type of event required for a valid (attributed) conversion. Possible values: view, click, or hybrid.
Default: click


This array shows you the campaign associations. To associate a pixel to a campaign, use the Campaign Service.

Field Type Description
id string The ID of the campaign.
Read Only.

Line items

This array shows you the line item associations. To associate a pixel to a line item, use the Line Item Service.

Field Type Description
id string The ID of the line item.
Read Only.
name string The name of the line item.
Read Only.
state enum The state of the line item.
Possible values: "active" or "inactive".
Read Only.

Piggyback pixels

Each object in the piggyback_pixels array contains the following fields.

When adding piggyback pixels, keep the following in mind:

  • Image pixels can only piggyback off other image pixels, and JavaScript pixels can only piggyback other JavaScript pixels.
  • Image pixels can only have one piggyback pixel. If you need to piggyback multiple pixels, be sure to use a JavaScript pixel.
  • There are no character limits to piggybacked pixels in AppNexus, but browser/server URL limits may apply.
Field Type (length) Description
pixel_type enum The type of the pixel to piggyback.
Possible values: "js" or "img".
url string (255) The URL of the pixel to piggyback.

Pixel conversion event

Field Type Description
id enum The ID of the conversion event optionally associated with this pixel. Possible values are integers between 2 and 8, which are associated with the name values below.
- null: No category selected.
- 2: LandingPage - A user visits your website after being served an ad.
- 3: ItemView - A user visits a page on your website that displays one or more products or services.
- 4: AddToCart - A user adds one or more of your products or services to their shopping cart.
- 5: InitiateCheckout - A user begins the checkout process.
- 6: AddPaymentInfo - A user adds payment information, such as a credit card number, during the checkout process.
- 7: Purchase - A confirmed sale of your product or service.
- 8: Lead - Collect lead information, such as email addresses or zip codes, from people interested in your business.
Read Only.
name enum The name of the conversion event optionally associated with this pixel. Possible values are associated with the id values above:
- null: No category selected.
- 2: LandingPage - A user visits your website after being served an ad.
- 3: ItemView - A user visits a page on your website that displays one or more products or services.
- 4: AddToCart - A user adds one or more of your products or services to their shopping cart.
- 5: InitiateCheckout - A user begins the checkout process.
- 6: AddPaymentInfo - A user adds payment information, such as a credit card number, during the checkout process.
- 7: Purchase - A confirmed sale of your product or service.
- 8: Lead - Collect lead information, such as email addresses or zip codes, from people interested in your business.
Read Only.


Add a conversion pixel for advertiser 2

$ cat pixel

    "pixel": {
        "min_minutes_per_conv": 120,
        "name": "ProStarr Post View Pixel 2",
        "piggyback_pixels": [
                "pixel_type": "img",
                "url": ""
        "post_view_expire_mins": 3600,
        "post_view_value": 1,
        "state": "active",
        "trigger_type": "view"

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @pixel ''


View conversion pixel 17 for advertiser 2

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "pixels": [
                "id": 17,
                "code": null,
                "name": "ProStarr Hybrid Pixel",
                "state": "active",
                "campaigns": [
                        "id": "17607"
               "line_items": [
                        "id": 382,
                        "name": "Line Item",
                        "state": "active"
                "trigger_type": "hybrid",
                "min_minutes_per_conv": null,
                "post_view_expire_mins": null,
                "post_click_expire_mins": null,
                "post_click_value": 10,
                "post_view_value": 1,
                "piggyback_pixels": [
                        "url": "",
                        "pixel_type": "img"
                "created_on": "2010-01-01 19:24:20",
                "last_modified": "2010-01-15 21:41:40",
                "advertiser_id": 2

View conversion pixels for all advertisers


"advertiser_id" field tells you the advertiser to which the pixel belongs.

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @pixel ''

    "response": {
        "status": "OK",
        "pixels": [
                "id": 5,
                "code": null,
                "name": "Sample Pixel 1",
                "state": "active",
                "campaigns": [
                        "id": "17883"
                        "id": "34091"
                "line_items": [
                        "id": 67729,
                        "name": "5556",
                        "state": "active"
                        "id": 67734,
                        "name": "7017",
                        "state": "active"
                        "id": 67733,
                        "name": "8302",
                        "state": "active"
                "trigger_type": "view",
                "min_minutes_per_conv": 32767,
                "post_view_expire_mins": 1440,
                "post_click_expire_mins": null,
                "post_click_value": null,
                "post_view_value": 0,
                "piggyback_pixels": [
                        "url": "",
                        "pixel_type": "img"
                "created_on": "2011-08-12 18:11:13",
                "last_modified": "2011-09-12 19:55:21",
                "advertiser_id": 8
                "id": 6,
                "code": null,
                "name": "blargh2",
                "state": "active",
                "campaigns": [
                        "id": "17775"
                        "id": "17776"
                "line_items": [
                        "id": 67895,
                        "name": "7082",
                        "state": "active"
                        "id": 67477,
                        "name": "3468",
                        "state": "active"
                        "id": 67679,
                        "name": "7870",
                        "state": "active"
                "trigger_type": "click",
                "min_minutes_per_conv": 1,
                "post_view_expire_mins": null,
                "post_click_expire_mins": 20160,
                "post_click_value": 0,
                "post_view_value": null,
                "piggyback_pixels": null,
                "created_on": "2011-05-07 18:11:13",
                "last_modified": "2011-06-07 20:23:08",
                "advertiser_id": 10
        "count": 10,
        "start_element": null,
        "num_elements": null

Add a conversion event category to a pixel

This example adds conversion pixel 1017110 to event category 3 (viewing an item).

$ cat pixel-category

        {"pixel_conversion_event_id": 3

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X PUT -s -d @pixel-category ""  

    "response": {
        "count": 1,
        "dbg_info": {
            "output_term": "pixel",
            "version": "1.18.651",
            "warnings": []
        "id": "1017110",
        "num_elements": 100,
        "pixel": {
            "advertiser_id": 57992,
            "campaigns": null,
            "code": null,
            "created_on": "2018-07-25 18:39:30",
            "id": 1017110,
            "last_modified": "2018-07-27 20:55:31",
            "line_items": null,
            "member_id": 1370,
            "min_minutes_per_conv": 0,
            "name": "Confirmation Page",
            "piggyback_pixels": null,
            "pixel_conversion_event": {
                "id": 3,
                "name": "ItemView"
            "pixel_conversion_event_id": 3,
            "post_click_expire_mins": 20160,
            "post_click_value": null,
            "post_view_expire_mins": 10080,
            "post_view_value": null,
            "state": "active",
            "trigger_type": "hybrid"
        "start_element": 0,
        "status": "OK"