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Client services

Welcome to the Xandr Client Services organization. This guide covers our mission, business relationship with you, issue resolution process, and other helpful resources.

All requests can be submitted and routed to the appropriate Xandr team directly from our Customer Support form located at the Microsoft Advertising Customer Support Portal.

Our mission

Xandr Client Services is striving to set a new industry standard for customer responsiveness and communication. We achieve our higher standard in a few ways:

  1. We are your single point of contact for technical problems with the Xandr platform. Whether the issue can be resolved quickly or requires a long-term engineering fix, we will communicate with you until it's fully resolved.
  2. On an ongoing basis, Client Services shares with you the best practices and helpful tips we've learned. We are a frequent contributor to the email list. We also provide free product training as part of the Xandr Customer Webinar Program.
  3. Xandr Client Services are provided at no additional cost to Xandr customers. If you have any question, please be sure to reach out to your Xandr Account Representative.

You and Client Services: A Partnership

It is our highest priority to help you succeed, and we aim to surpass your expectations of us as a service organization. This includes resolving technical issues quickly and effectively, giving helpful advice, and working hard to provide a stable and reliable technology platform for your business. We also aim to provide comprehensive and informative documentation to enable our customers to be more self-sufficient. We view our relationship with you as a partnership. In the spirit of that partnership, there are a few things that you can do to help us extend service to you more effectively:

  1. Please review our relevant articles prior to submitting a support request. The Documentation Help Center is a massive source of information that we have dedicated significant effort into building as a customer resource.
  2. Please do as much research and triaging of issues as possible before submitting a request to our team. Your upfront effort will ultimately help us resolve your issues faster.
  3. Please contact your internal Xandr subject matter expert, or “SME”, with potential technical issues. Your Xandr SME will be able to assist you with confirming the issue and constructing an informative support request to our team.
  4. After you have performed a thorough investigation on your end, please include the following detailed information in your support request:
    1. Description of the problem, including as much detail as possible, and the impact on your immediate goals
    2. All relevant object IDs
    3. Environment details (bidder id, member id, creative id, etc)
    4. Steps to reproduce the problem, including test pages, URLs, etc.
    5. Screenshot(s) for all UI-related issues
    6. Browser and Operating System used (including version numbers)

What types of requests should go to Client Services?

The Client Services team is your single point of contact for all technical issues pertaining to our ad platform. We are excited to help you leverage our technology to drive success for your business. We are here to reinforce best practices taught during your initial training, help to correct day-to-day issues occurring across your buying or selling, and to identify and resolve any product bugs or gaps. We will dig deeply into any unexpected behavior that you may find and work together with our Engineering team to ensure that we provide the most stable and efficient ad platform possible.

The Xandr platform is constantly evolving to meet the varied needs of our growing customer base. Our Product and Engineering teams are dedicated to releasing useful features to help our customers drive more success on the platform, however we recognize that we do not have the capacity to deliver on every product enhancement request that we receive. Our Client Services team is available to make important configuration changes or to pull necessary data sets in cases where specific functionality is not currently available in our product and there is a corresponding strong business justification for the request.

In summary, the request types will be directed via the support form to the following teams as shown below:

Request Type Example Xandr Team
Anti-malvertising questions Creative loading malware served on owner's inventory Anti-Malvertising
App bugs App will not load App Support
Creative Auditing questions Creative was rejected but should be approved Ad Quality
Critical data pulls that cannot be retrieved from the product N/A Client Services
Inventory Quality questions Campaign serving on a site that does not meet inventory standards Inventory Quality
Issues with technical implementation Ad calls return errors due to setup problems Client Services
Necessary manual configuration changes that cannot be accomplished through the product Data provider segment sharing Client Services
Observed ad serving issues Placements start showing blanks without apparent cause Client Services
Technical difficulties related to purchasing and selling media Campaign will not serve for any discernible reason Client Services
Traffic Quality questions Suspiciously high CTR Client Services
UI/API bugs and product issues Button not functioning, API PUT call not making the expected changes Client Services


The following request types should be directed to your Xandr Account Representative:

  • Business-related questions
  • Billing
  • Training
  • Requests for enhancement
  • Product roadmap inquiries
  • General product usage
  • Participation in alpha beta testing for a feature or functionality

Our issue resolution process

Xandr has a Customer Support process for Standard Issues and for Emergency Issues. Customers are expected to identify a Single Point of Contact who is authorized to create tickets on the customer's behalf.

Standard issues

These are non-emergency product problems. For example, a bug disabling a button in Xandr UI which should be enabled.

Step 1: Ticket initiation

  1. Customer faces a product problem.
  2. Customer visits the Microsoft Advertising Customer Support Portal and submits request.
  3. To speed resolution time, the customer email should include all items listed earlier in the doc.

Step 2: Ticket management

  1. Client Services acknowledges the ticket within 24 hours, generally much faster.
  2. Client Services diagnoses the issue, asks follow-up questions as necessary
  3. If Client Services can resolve the issue for the customer, it will, and then close the ticket.
  4. If the issue requires an engineering bug fix, Client Services will keep the ticket open until the issue is fixed, and then notify the Customer of the resolution.

Emergency issues

These are issues where -

  1. An essential production feature is broken with no available workaround; and/or
  2. The problem will cause significant financial losses for the customer. For example, Widespread ad serving failures or an UI/API not accessible.

Step 1: Ticket initiation

  1. Customer faces a product emergency.
  2. Customer visits the Microsoft Advertising Customer Support Portal and submits an emergency request.
  3. To speed resolution time, the customer email should include all items listed earlier in the doc as well as a phone number for the emergency contact.

Step 2: Ticket management

  1. Client Services acknowledges ticket within 1 hour, generally much faster.
  2. Client Services diagnoses the issue, asks follow-up questions as necessary.
  3. Client Services stays in frequent contact with the customer until the issue is resolved.
  4. The Customer's Xandr Account Representative is notified.

Response times

Xandr Client Services' expected response times are:

Issue Type Expected Response Time
Standard Issue No more than 1 business day
Emergency Issue No more than 1 hour

Our working hours are 9am to 6pm Eastern Time. Tickets created for Standard Issues outside of our working hours will be responded to no later than the beginning of the next work day.

Xandr makes every effort to respond significantly sooner than the maximum response times.

Thank you for reviewing this introduction to our team and we look forward to helping you be massively successful on our platform!