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Definindo operações no C++

No Gerenciador de Autorização, uma operação é uma função ou método de baixo nível de um aplicativo. Essas operações são agrupadas como tarefas. Os usuários do aplicativo solicitam permissão para concluir tarefas. Uma operação é representada por um objeto IAzOperation . Para obter mais informações sobre operações, consulte Operações e tarefas.

O exemplo a seguir mostra como definir operações em um repositório de políticas de autorização. O exemplo pressupõe que há um repositório de políticas XML existente chamado MyStore.xml no diretório raiz da unidade C e que esse repositório contém um aplicativo chamado Expense.

#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0502
#pragma comment(lib, "duser.lib")

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <azroles.h>
#include <objbase.h>

void main(void){
    IAzAuthorizationStore* pStore = NULL;
    IAzApplication* pApp = NULL;
    IAzOperation* pOp = NULL;
    HRESULT hr;
    void MyHandleError(char *s);
    BSTR storeName = NULL;
    BSTR appName = NULL;
    BSTR opName = NULL;
    //  Initialize COM.
    hr = CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_MULTITHREADED);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not initialize COM.");

    //  Create the AzAuthorizationStore object.
    hr = CoCreateInstance(
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not create AzAuthorizationStore object.");
    //  Create null VARIANT for parameters.
    VARIANT myVar; 

    //  Allocate a string for the name of the store.
    if(!(storeName = SysAllocString(L"msxml://c:\\MyStore.xml")))
        MyHandleError("Could not allocate string.");
    //  Initialize the store.
    hr = pStore->Initialize(AZ_AZSTORE_FLAG_MANAGE_STORE_ONLY,
   storeName, myVar);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not initialize store.");

    //  Create an application object.
    if (!(appName = SysAllocString(L"Expense")))
        MyHandleError("Could not allocate application name string.");
    hr = pStore->OpenApplication(appName, myVar, &pApp);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not open application.");

    //  Create operations.

    //  Create first operation.
    if (!(opName = SysAllocString(L"RetrieveForm")))
        MyHandleError("Could not allocate operation name string.");
    hr = pApp->CreateOperation(opName, myVar, &pOp);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not create operation.");
    //  Set the OperationID property.
    hr = pOp->put_OperationID(1);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not set operation ID.");

    //  Save the operation to the store.
    hr = pOp->Submit(0, myVar);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not save operation.");

    //  Create second operation.
    if (!(opName = SysAllocString(L"EnqueRequest")))
        MyHandleError("Could not allocate operation name string.");
    hr = pApp->CreateOperation(opName, myVar, &pOp);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not create operation.");

    //  Set the OperationID property.
    hr = pOp->put_OperationID(2);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not set operation ID.");

    //  Save the operation to the store.
    hr = pOp->Submit(0, myVar);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not save operation.");

    //  Create third operation.
    if (!(opName = SysAllocString(L"DequeRequest")))
        MyHandleError("Could not allocate operation name string.");
    hr = pApp->CreateOperation(opName, myVar, &pOp);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not create operation.");

    //  Set the OperationID property.
    hr = pOp->put_OperationID(3);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not set operation ID.");

    //  Save the operation to the store.
    hr = pOp->Submit(0, myVar);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not save operation.");

    //  Create fourth operation.
    if (!(opName = SysAllocString(L"UseFormControl")))
        MyHandleError("Could not allocate operation name string.");
    hr = pApp->CreateOperation(opName, myVar, &pOp);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not create operation.");

    //  Set the OperationID property.
    hr = pOp->put_OperationID(4);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not set operation ID.");

    //  Save the operation to the store.
    hr = pOp->Submit(0, myVar);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not save operation.");

    //  Create fifth operation.
    if (!(opName = SysAllocString(L"MarkFormApproved")))
        MyHandleError("Could not allocate operation name string.");
    hr = pApp->CreateOperation(opName, myVar, &pOp);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not create operation.");

    //  Set the OperationID property.
    hr = pOp->put_OperationID(5);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not set operation ID.");

    //  Save the operation to the store.
    hr = pOp->Submit(0, myVar);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not save operation.");

    //  Create sixth operation.
    if (!(opName = SysAllocString(L"SendApprovalNotify")))
        MyHandleError("Could not allocate operation name string.");
    hr = pApp->CreateOperation(opName, myVar, &pOp);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not create operation.");

    //  Set the OperationID property.
    hr = pOp->put_OperationID(6);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not set operation ID.");

    //  Save the operation to the store.
    hr = pOp->Submit(0, myVar);
    if (!(SUCCEEDED(hr)))
        MyHandleError("Could not save operation.");

    //  Clean up resources.

void MyHandleError(char *s)
    printf("An error occurred in running the program.\n");
    printf("Error number %x\n.",GetLastError());
    printf("Program terminating.\n");