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Código de exemplo usando ADS_SEARCHPREF_DIRSYNC

O exemplo de código a seguir usa a implementação ADSI do controle de sincronização de diretório (DirSync) para pesquisar a partição de domínio local de um servidor do Active Directory para objetos de usuário alterados desde a chamada anterior.

O exemplo de código usa a interface IDirectorySearch para pesquisar a partir da raiz da partição de domínio. Antes de chamar o método ExecuteSearch, o exemplo chama o método SetSearchPreference para especificar as preferências de pesquisa ADS_SEARCHPREF_SEARCH_SCOPE, ADS_SEARCHPREF_DIRSYNC e ADS_SEARCHPREF_TOMBSTONE. O escopo deve especificar uma pesquisa de subárvore. Com a preferência de pesquisa ADS_SEARCHPREF_DIRSYNC , especifique uma estrutura ADS_PROV_SPECIFIC que contenha o comprimento do cookie e um ponteiro para ele.

Na primeira vez que este aplicativo é chamado, ele especifica um cookie nulo e um comprimento zero. Isso faz com que a operação de pesquisa execute uma leitura completa, retornando todos os atributos solicitados para todos os objetos que correspondem ao filtro. Junto com os resultados da pesquisa, o servidor retorna um cookie válido e o comprimento do cookie. Em execuções subsequentes, o programa recupera o cookie armazenado em cache e o comprimento e os usa para recuperar alterações desde a execução anterior.

Esteja ciente de que este exemplo simplesmente armazena em cache o cookie e o comprimento do cookie no registro. Em um aplicativo de sincronização real, armazene os parâmetros no mesmo armazenamento que você está mantendo consistente com o servidor do Active Directory. Isso garante que os parâmetros e os dados do objeto permaneçam sincronizados se o banco de dados for restaurado a partir de um backup.

//  Add adsiid.lib to project
//  Add activeds.lib to project

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "activeds.h"
#include "adshlp.h"
#include "atlbase.h"
#include "iads.h"
#include "tchar.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "mbstring.h"
#include "stdlib.h"

typedef struct {WCHAR objectGUID[40];
                WCHAR ADsPath[MAX_PATH];
                WCHAR phoneNumber[32];
                BOOL  isDeleted;
               } MyUserData;

//  Forward declaration.
VOID WriteObjectDataToStorage(MyUserData *userdata, BOOL bUpdate);

//  DoDirSyncSearch
HRESULT DoDirSyncSearch(
            LPWSTR pszSearchFilter,  //  Search filter.
            LPWSTR *pAttributeNames, //  Attributes to retrieve.
            DWORD dwAttributes,      //  Number of attributes.
            PUCHAR *ppCookie,        //  Pointer to previous cookie.
            PULONG pulCookieLength,  //  Length of previous cookie.
            LPWSTR szDC)             //  Name of DC to bind to.
    IADs *pRootDSE = NULL;
    IDirectorySearch *pSearch = NULL;
    ADS_SEARCHPREF_INFO arSearchPrefs[3];
    ADS_PROV_SPECIFIC dirsync;
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    VARIANT var;
    MyUserData userdata;
    BOOL bUpdate = FALSE;
    DWORD dwCount = 0;
    //  Validate input parameters.
    if (!pulCookieLength || !ppCookie || !szDC) 
        wprintf(L"Invalid parameter.\n");
        return E_FAIL;
    LPOLESTR szServerPath = new OLECHAR[MAX_PATH];
    //  If cookie is non-NULL, this is an update. Otherwise, it is a full-read.
    if (*ppCookie)
        bUpdate = TRUE;
    //  If there is a DC name from the previous USN sync, 
    //  include it in the binding string.
    if (szDC[0]) 
        wcsncat_s(szServerPath, MAX_PATH,szDC,MAX_PATH-wcslen(szServerPath));
        wcsncat_s(szServerPath, MAX_PATH,L"/",MAX_PATH-wcslen(szServerPath));
        wcsncpy_s(szServerPath, MAX_PATH,L"LDAP://",MAX_PATH);
    // Bind to root DSE.
    wcsncat_s(szDSPath, MAX_PATH,L"rootDSE",MAX_PATH-wcslen(szDSPath));
    wprintf(L"RootDSE binding string: %s\n", szDSPath);
    hr = ADsGetObject(szDSPath, 
    if (FAILED(hr)) 
        wprintf(L"failed to bind to rootDSE: 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto cleanup;
    //  Save the name of the DC connected to in order to connect to 
    //  the same DC on the next dirsync operation.
    if (! szDC[0])
        hr = pRootDSE->Get(CComBSTR("DnsHostName"), &var);
        wcsncat_s(szServerPath, MAX_PATH,var.bstrVal, MAX_PATH-wcslen(szServerPath));
        wcsncat_s(szServerPath, MAX_PATH,L"/", MAX_PATH-wcslen(szServerPath));
    //  Get an IDirectorySearch pointer to the root of the domain partition.
    hr = pRootDSE->Get(CComBSTR("defaultNamingContext"), &var);
    wcsncat_s(szDSPath, MAX_PATH,var.bstrVal, MAX_PATH - wcslen(szDSPath));
    hr = ADsGetObject(szDSPath, IID_IDirectorySearch, (void**) &pSearch);
    if (FAILED(hr)) 
        wprintf(L"failed to get IDirectorySearch: 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto cleanup;
    //  Initialize the structure to pass in the cookie.
    //  On the first call, the cookie is NULL and the length is zero.
    //  On later calls, the cookie and length are the values returned by 
    //  the previous call.
    dirsync.dwLength = *pulCookieLength;
    dirsync.lpValue = *ppCookie;
    arSearchPrefs[0].dwSearchPref = ADS_SEARCHPREF_SEARCH_SCOPE; 
    arSearchPrefs[0].vValue.dwType = ADSTYPE_INTEGER; 
    arSearchPrefs[0].vValue.Integer = ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE; 
    arSearchPrefs[1].dwSearchPref = ADS_SEARCHPREF_DIRSYNC; 
    arSearchPrefs[1].vValue.dwType = ADSTYPE_PROV_SPECIFIC;
    arSearchPrefs[1].vValue.ProviderSpecific = dirsync;
    hr = pSearch->SetSearchPreference(arSearchPrefs, 2);
    if (FAILED(hr)) 
        wprintf(L"failed to set search prefs: 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto cleanup;
    // Search for the objects indicated by the search filter.
    hr = pSearch->ExecuteSearch(pszSearchFilter,
                    pAttributeNames, dwAttributes, &hSearch );
    if (FAILED(hr)) 
        wprintf(L"failed to set execute search: 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto cleanup;
    //  Loop through the rows of the search result
    //  Each row is an object that has changed since the previous call.
    hr = pSearch->GetNextRow( hSearch);
    while ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && hr != S_ADS_NOMORE_ROWS )
        ZeroMemory(&userdata, sizeof(MyUserData) );
        //  Retrieve the attributes for each object.
        //  With a DirSync search, a GetColumn call can return success even
        //  though no values are set for the specified attribute. If this
        //  happens, col.pADsValues is NULL; the following code checks
        //  col.pADsValues before trying to access it.
        //  Get the telephone number.
        hr = pSearch->GetColumn( hSearch, L"telephoneNumber", &col );
        if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) 
            if (col.dwADsType == ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING && col.pADsValues)
                wcscpy_s(userdata.phoneNumber, col.pADsValues->CaseIgnoreString);
            pSearch->FreeColumn( &col );
        //  Get the isDeleted attribute.
        hr = pSearch->GetColumn( hSearch, L"isDeleted", &col );
        if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) 
            if (col.dwADsType == ADSTYPE_BOOLEAN && col.pADsValues)
                userdata.isDeleted = col.pADsValues->Boolean;
            pSearch->FreeColumn( &col );
        //  Get the ADsPath.
        hr = pSearch->GetColumn( hSearch, L"ADsPath", &col );
        if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) 
            if (col.dwADsType == ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING && col.pADsValues)
                wcscpy_s(userdata.ADsPath, col.pADsValues->CaseIgnoreString);
            pSearch->FreeColumn( &col );
        //  Get the objectGUID number.
        hr = pSearch->GetColumn( hSearch, L"objectGUID", &col );
        if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) 
            WCHAR szGUID[40]; //  string version of the objectGUID attribute
            if ((col.dwADsType == ADSTYPE_OCTET_STRING) && col.pADsValues &&
                BuildGUIDString(szGUID, (LPBYTE) col.pADsValues->OctetString.lpValue);
                wcscpy_s(userdata.objectGUID, szGUID);
            pSearch->FreeColumn( &col );
        WriteObjectDataToStorage(&userdata, bUpdate);
        hr = pSearch->GetNextRow( hSearch);
    wprintf(L"dwCount: %d\n", dwCount);

    //  After looping through the results, get the cookie.
    if (hr == S_ADS_NOMORE_ROWS ) 
        hr = pSearch->GetColumn( hSearch, ADS_DIRSYNC_COOKIE, &col );
        if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) {
            if (col.dwADsType == ADSTYPE_PROV_SPECIFIC && col.pADsValues) 
                wprintf(L"Got cookie\n");
                *pulCookieLength = col.pADsValues->ProviderSpecific.dwLength;
                *ppCookie = (PUCHAR) AllocADsMem (*pulCookieLength);
                memcpy(*ppCookie, col.pADsValues->ProviderSpecific.lpValue, 
            pSearch->FreeColumn( &col );
        } else
            wprintf(L"no cookie: 0x%x\n", hr);

    if (pRootDSE)
    if (hSearch)
    if (pSearch)

    delete [] szServerPath;
    delete [] szDSPath;

    return hr;

//  WriteObjectDataToStorage routine
VOID WriteObjectDataToStorage(MyUserData *userdata, BOOL bUpdate)
    if (bUpdate)
        wprintf(L"INITIAL DATA:\n");
    wprintf(L"   objectGUID: %s\n", userdata->objectGUID);
    wprintf(L"   ADsPath: %s\n", userdata->ADsPath);
    wprintf(L"   phoneNumber: %s\n", userdata->phoneNumber);
    if (userdata->isDeleted)
        wprintf(L"   DELETED OBJECT\n");


//  WriteCookieAndDCtoStorage routine
//  This example caches the cookie in the registry. In a real 
//  synchronization application, store these parameters in the
//  same storage that you are keeping consistent with Active Directory.
//  This ensures that the parameters and object data remain in sync if 
//  the storage is ever restored from a backup.
DWORD WriteCookieAndDCtoStorage(UCHAR *pCookie, 
                                ULONG ulLength,
                                WCHAR *pszDCName) 
    HKEY hReg = NULL;
    DWORD dwStat = NO_ERROR;

    //  Create a registry key under 
    //  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Vendor\Product.
    dwStat = RegCreateKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
                             L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows 2000 AD-Synchro-DirSync",
    if (dwStat != NO_ERROR) 
        wprintf(L"RegCreateKeyEx failed: 0x%x\n", dwStat);
        return dwStat;

    //  Cache the cookie as a value under the registry key.
    dwStat = RegSetValueExW(hReg, L"Cookie", 0, REG_BINARY,
                            (const BYTE *)pCookie, ulLength);
    if (dwStat != NO_ERROR)
        wprintf(L"RegSetValueEx for cookie failed: 0x%x\n", dwStat);

    //  Cache the cookie length as a value under the registry key.
    dwStat = RegSetValueExW(hReg, L"Cookie Length", 0, REG_DWORD,
                            (const BYTE *)&ulLength, sizeof(DWORD) );
    if (dwStat != NO_ERROR)
        wprintf(L"RegSetValueEx for cookie length failed: 0x%x\n", dwStat);

    //  Cache the DC name as a value under the registry key.
    dwStat = RegSetValueExW(hReg, L"DC name", 0, REG_SZ,
        (const BYTE *)pszDCName, 2*(wcslen(pszDCName)) );
    if (dwStat != NO_ERROR)
        wprintf(L"RegSetValueEx for DC name failed: 0x%x\n", dwStat);
    return dwStat;

//  GetCookieAndDCfromStorage routine
DWORD GetCookieAndDCfromStorage(PUCHAR *ppCookie,        //  Receives pointer to cookie.
                                PULONG pulCookieLength,  //  Receives length of cookie.
                                WCHAR *pszDCName)        //  Receives name of DC to bind to.
    HKEY hReg = NULL;
    DWORD dwStat;
    DWORD dwLen;

    //  Open the registry key.
    dwStat = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
                           L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows 2000 AD-Synchro-DirSync",
    if (dwStat != NO_ERROR) 
        wprintf(L"RegOpenKeyEx failed: 0x%x\n", dwStat);
        return dwStat;

    //  Get the length of the cookie from the registry.
    dwLen = sizeof(DWORD);
    dwStat = RegQueryValueExW(hReg, L"Cookie Length", NULL, NULL, 
                              (LPBYTE)pulCookieLength, &dwLen );
    if (dwStat != NO_ERROR) {
        wprintf(L"RegQueryValueEx failed to get length: 0x%x\n", dwStat);
        return dwStat;

    //  Allocate a buffer for the cookie value.
    *ppCookie = (PUCHAR) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, *pulCookieLength);
    if (!*ppCookie) 
        wprintf(L"GlobalAlloc failed: %u\n", GetLastError() );
        return dwStat;

    //  Get the cookie from the registry.
    dwStat = RegQueryValueExW(hReg, L"Cookie", NULL, NULL, 
                              (LPBYTE)*ppCookie, pulCookieLength );
    if (dwStat != NO_ERROR) {
        wprintf(L"RegQueryValueEx failed to get cookie: 0x%x\n", dwStat);
        return dwStat;

    //  Get the DC name from the registry.
    dwLen = MAX_PATH;
    dwStat = RegQueryValueExW(hReg, L"DC name", NULL, NULL, 
                              (LPBYTE)pszDCName, &dwLen );
    if (dwStat != NO_ERROR) {
        wprintf(L"RegQueryValueEx failed to get DC name: 0x%x\n", dwStat);
        return dwStat;
        pszDCName[dwLen] = 0;
    return NO_ERROR;

//  BuildGUIDString
//  Routine that makes the GUID into a string in directory service bind form
    DWORD i = 0x0;
    DWORD dwlen = sizeof(GUID);
    WCHAR buf[4];


    for (i;i<dwlen;i++) 
        swprintf_s(buf, L"%02x", pGUID[i]);
        wcscat_s(szGUID, MAX_PATH,buf);

//  Entry point for application
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    DWORD dwStat;
    ULONG ulLength;
    UCHAR *pCookie;
    HRESULT hr;

    if (argc==1) 
        //  Perform a full synchronization.
        //  Initialize the synchronization parameters to zero or NULL.
        wprintf(L"Performing a full sync.\n");
        szDCName[0] = '\0';
        ulLength = 0;
        pCookie = NULL;
        //  Perform an incremental synchronization.
        //  Initialize synchronization parameters from storage.
        wprintf(L"Retrieving changes only.\n");
        dwStat = GetCookieAndDCfromStorage(&pCookie, &ulLength, szDCName);
        if (dwStat != NO_ERROR) 
            wprintf(L"Could not get the cookie: %u\n", dwStat);
            goto cleanup;

    //  Perform the search and update the synchronization parameters.
    hr = DoDirSyncSearch(L"(objectClass=user)",
                         NULL,       //  Retrieve all attributes.
    if (FAILED(hr)) 
        wprintf(L"DoDirSyncSearch failed: 0x%x\n", hr);
        goto cleanup;

    //  Cache the returned synchronization parameters in storage.
    wprintf(L"Caching the synchronization parameters.\n");
    dwStat = WriteCookieAndDCtoStorage(pCookie, ulLength, szDCName);
    if (dwStat != NO_ERROR) 
        wprintf(L"Could not cache the cookie: %u\n", dwStat);
        goto cleanup;

    if (pCookie)
        GlobalFree (pCookie);
    return 1;