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0x19C de Verificação de Bugs: WIN32K_POWER_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT

O bug WIN32K_POWER_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT marcar tem um valor de 0x0000019C. Isso indica que o Win32k não ativou o monitor em tempo hábil.


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Parâmetro Descrição

Tipo de falha (win32kbase! POWER_WATCHDOG_TYPE)

0x10 : The power request queue is not making progress 2 - Pointer to the thread processing power requests, if any 3 - Pointer to the win32k user lock 4 - Pointer to the power request (win32kbase!PPOWERREQUEST) being processed, if any 0x20 : Calling PO to set power state 2 - Pointer to the power request worker thread 3 - Reserved 4 - Reserved 0x30 : Calling GDI to power on 2 - Pointer to the power request worker thread 3 - Reserved 4 - Reserved 0x40 : Calling DWM to render 2 - Pointer to the power request worker thread 3 - Reserved 4 - Reserved 0x50 : Calling monitor driver to power on 2 - Pointer to the power request worker thread 3 - Reserved 4 - Reserved
2 Consulte o parâmetro 1
3 Consulte o parâmetro 1
4 Consulte o parâmetro 1


A extensão de depuração !analyze exibe informações sobre o bug marcar e pode ser útil para determinar a causa raiz.