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Bibliotecas do Lote do Azure para PythonAzure Batch libraries for python

Visão geralOverview

Execute aplicativos paralelos em grande escala e aplicativos de computação de alto desempenho com eficiência na nuvem com o Lote do Azure.Run large-scale parallel and high-performance computing applications efficiently in the cloud with Azure Batch.

Para se familiarizar com o Lote do Azure, consulte Criar uma conta de Lote com o portal do Azure.To get started with Azure Batch, see Create a Batch account with the Azure portal.

Instalar as bibliotecasInstall the libraries

Biblioteca do clienteClient library

As bibliotecas de cliente do Lote do Azure permitem configurar nós de computação e pools, definir tarefas e configurá-los para execução em trabalhos e configurar um gerenciador de trabalho para controlar e monitorar a execução do trabalho.The Azure Batch client libraries let you configure compute nodes and pools, define tasks and configure them to run in jobs, and set up a job manager to control and monitor job execution. Saiba mais sobre como usar esses objetos para executar soluções de computação paralela em grande escala.Learn more about using these objects to run large-scale parallel compute solutions.

pip install azure-batch


Configurar um conjunto de nós de computação do Linux em uma conta de lote:Set up a pool of Linux compute nodes in a batch account:

# create the batch client for an account using its URI and keys
creds = batchauth.SharedKeyCredentials(account, key)
config = batch.BatchServiceClientConfiguration(creds, base_url = batch_url)
client = batch.BatchServiceClient(config)

# Create the VirtualMachineConfiguration, specifying
# the VM image reference and the Batch node agent to
# be installed on the node.
vmc = batchmodels.VirtualMachineConfiguration(
    image_reference = ir,
    node_agent_sku_id = "batch.node.ubuntu 14.04")

# Assign the virtual machine configuration to the pool
new_pool.virtual_machine_configuration = vmc

# Create pool in the Batch service

API de gerenciamentoManagement API

Use as bibliotecas de gerenciamento do Lote do Azure para criar e excluir contas em lotes, ler e regenerar chaves de conta de lote e gerenciar o armazenamento de conta do lote.Use the Azure Batch management libraries to create and delete batch accounts, read and regenerate batch account keys, and manage batch account storage.

pip install azure-mgmt-batch


Criar uma conta de Lote do Azure e configurar um novo aplicativo e uma conta de armazenamento do Azure para ela.Create an Azure Batch account and configure a new application and Azure storage account for it.

from azure.mgmt.batch import BatchManagementClient
from azure.mgmt.resource import ResourceManagementClient
from azure.mgmt.storage import StorageManagementClient

LOCATION ='eastus'
GROUP_NAME ='batchresourcegroup'
STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME ='batchstorageaccount'

# Create Resource group
print('Create Resource Group')
resource_client.resource_groups.create_or_update(GROUP_NAME, {'location': LOCATION})

# Create a storage account
storage_async_operation = storage_client.storage_accounts.create(
storage_account = storage_async_operation.result()

# Create a Batch Account, specifying the storage account we want to link
storage_resource = storage_account.id
batch_account = azure.mgmt.batch.models.BatchAccountCreateParameters(
creating = batch_client.account.create('MyBatchAccount', LOCATION, batch_account)