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FuelCell: Finishing Touches

Discusses the final steps in the development of the FuelCell game.

The main points of this topic are:

  • Displaying Game Status
  • Game State Management
  • Screen Transitioning Within a Game

The Complete Sample

The code in this tutorial illustrates the technique described in the text. A complete code sample for this tutorial is available for you to download, including full source code and any additional supporting files required by the sample.



You must download the above sample code in order to access the 3D models used in this tutorial step.

Overview of Game State Management

As a game, FuelCell is nearly complete, but we are missing some important features. These features include:

  • Game state management
  • Start and win/loss screens
  • Game status display (such as the current score and time remaining)

Game state management is the management of different states of the game through displaying different screens and/or by logic code added to the existing code. Common states for a basic game include: starting, playing, win/loss, and pause. Each of these states could have one or more related screens, such as an options screen or a gameplay screen.

FuelCell manages three states (starting, playing, won/lost) and three different screens:

  • a starting screen with instructions on playing the game
  • a gameplay screen displaying the fuel carrier and the playing field—the screen we have been working on from the beginning
  • a screen that informs whether the player won or lost, and enables the player to start a new game or exit

The game state management code is confined to the FuelCellGame.cs file (with some constants defined in GameConstants.cs). Heavy modification of the Update and Draw methods is needed, and additional new code will be added in various areas of the file.

However, before we start that work, remove the code that renders the bounding spheres. It served its purpose and only gets in the way now. In the Draw method, comment out (or remove) all code that sets the wire frame rendering mode, and calls the DrawBoundingSphere method. Rebuild the game and run it. Without all the wireframe spheres, it looks like a real game.


If this were a real game in development, you would either remove these calls completely or enclose them in DEBUG conditionals. In addition, you could remove or conditionalize the code around initializing and loading the bounding sphere model (boundingSphere). However, you still need the remaining code initializing and calculating the bounding spheres for the various game objects. Without it, our collision detection disappears. For our purposes, a simple commenting out suffices.

Anybody Got the Time?

One of the goals of FuelCell is to collect 12 fuel cells. It's not a very difficult task if the player has all the time in the world. Let's fix that now by adding a time limit to the game. The player starts with a set amount of time. In this case, we'll use 30 seconds. If the player collects all 12 fuel cells before time runs out, the player wins the game. However, if time runs out and there are still fuel cells on the playing field, the player loses. The winning and losing conditions are handled by the game state management code that you'll add later. For now, let's implement the time limit feature.

In FuelCellGame.cs, declare three variables (of type TimeSpan) for the various times to be tracked. You'll also need a variable for tracking the number of retrieved fuel cells (of type int).

int retrievedFuelCells;
TimeSpan startTime, roundTimer, roundTime;

In the FuelCellGame constructor, add initialization code for the starting and round times. This code sets the start and game time variables to 0. Zero indicates the game hasn't started. The round time variable is then set to 30.25 seconds. The .25 seconds is to give enough time to flash 30 on the screen before it begins counting down.

roundTime = GameConstants.RoundTime;

While you are in here, add the following code to specify a resolution of 853x480. This resolution causes output from any Xbox console to look good, regardless of the widescreen capabilities of the output device.

graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 853;
graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 480;

In the Update method, add code that sets the time variables to their proper values when the player presses the Start button on the gamepad. A good place for this code is after the code that checks for pressing of the Exit button:

 if (currentGamePadState.Buttons.Start == ButtonState.Pressed) { roundTimer = roundTime; } 

This code sets the current and start times to the current total game time, and then calculates the end time. Now that the time is set, you'll need to track the amount of elapsed game time.

Staying in the same method, add the following code after the fuel cell update code:

 roundTimer -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime; 

Gimme a T!

Next, you'll implement a simple HUD that displays the remaining time and the number of retrieved fuel cells during gameplay.

The first item is a spritefont for the screen text. This is a new content type for the game, so add a new directory to the Content directory called Fonts, and then add a new Spritefont item to that directory called StatsFont.

In the GameConstants.cs file, add the following strings:

public const string StrTimeRemaining = "Time Remaining: ";
public const string StrCellsFound = "Fuel Cells Retrieved: ";
public const string StrGameWon = "Game Won !";
public const string StrGameLost = "Game Lost !";
public const string StrPlayAgain = 
    "Press Enter/Start to play again or Esc/Back to quit";
public const string StrInstructions1 = 
    "Retrieve all Fuel Cells before time runs out.";
public const string StrInstructions2 = 
    "Control ship using keyboard (A, D, W, S) or the left thumbstick.";

These strings are used in various screens to display information on how to play, the current time remaining, and other important stuff. You'll also need a sprite batch and a sprite font variable when drawing the game text. Add these in the FuelCellGame.cs file after the random variable declaration:

SpriteBatch spriteBatch;
SpriteFont statsFont;

In the LoadContent method, initialize the sprite batch object, and load the new sprite font with the following code:

spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
statsFont = Content.Load<SpriteFont>("Fonts/StatsFont");

You'll use a single method, called from Draw, to draw all the game statistics on the gameplay screen. In the FuelCellGame.cs file, add the following method after the DrawTerrain method:

private void DrawStats()
    float xOffsetText, yOffsetText;
    string str1 = GameConstants.StrTimeRemaining;
    string str2 = 
        GameConstants.StrCellsFound + retrievedFuelCells.ToString() + 
        " of " + GameConstants.NumFuelCells.ToString();
    Rectangle rectSafeArea;

    str1 += (roundTimer.Seconds).ToString();

    //Calculate str1 position
    rectSafeArea = GraphicsDevice.Viewport.TitleSafeArea;

    xOffsetText = rectSafeArea.X;
    yOffsetText = rectSafeArea.Y;

    Vector2 strSize = statsFont.MeasureString(str1);
    Vector2 strPosition = 
        new Vector2((int)xOffsetText + 10, (int)yOffsetText);

    spriteBatch.DrawString(statsFont, str1, strPosition, Color.White);
    strPosition.Y += strSize.Y;
    spriteBatch.DrawString(statsFont, str2, strPosition, Color.White);

    //re-enable depth buffer after sprite batch disablement
    //GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState.DepthBufferEnable = true;
    DepthStencilState dss = new DepthStencilState();
    dss.DepthBufferEnable = true;
    GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = dss;
    //GraphicsDevice.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = false;
    //GraphicsDevice.RenderState.AlphaTestEnable = false;
    //GraphicsDevice.SamplerStates[0].AddressU = TextureAddressMode.Wrap;
    //GraphicsDevice.SamplerStates[0].AddressV = TextureAddressMode.Wrap;

Let's look at this code block more closely as there's a fair bit of code here.

The first part sets up the locations where the game statistic strings are drawn. A major part of this is the retrieval of the title safe area of the viewport. This is later used to properly place the various text strings. A nice feature of the TitleSafeArea property is that, depending on the platform, it automatically adjusts the area returned. The area is smaller if the game targets the Xbox 360 platform. Rendering within this area prevents any sprite drawing in areas of the screen that could get cut off by a TV display. The next part composes the strings with the current game info, and then draws them on the gameplay screen. However, the last bit of code deserves more examination.

You must reset certain properties of the graphics device whenever you combine sprite drawing with 3D rendering, as FuelCell does. These properties, related to alpha blending and the depth buffer, are set to different values when a sprite batch is used. If the properties are not reset to the default settings, weird rendering issues could suddenly appear in your game. That is why the final code modifies some BlendState and SampleState properties of the graphics device.

You'll need to call the DrawStats method from the existing Draw method. Add the following code after the call to FuelCarrier.Draw.


After a rebuild, the time and remaining number of fuel cells are displayed in the upper-left corner. Of course, the values are completely wrong, but we'll be fixing those next.

The State of Things

The remaining code you will add implements the game state management of FuelCell. As mentioned previously, one of the main duties of game state management is to determine the correct game screen to display. In addition, game state management can also monitor the player's progress toward his or her goals. For FuelCell, the goals are to retrieve all fuel cells before time runs out. If the player succeeds, we need to display a Game Won screen or, conversely, a Game Lost screen. In addition, we'll display a splash screen on startup of the game containing instructions for starting a new game and playing it.

The state of the game changes depending on player input and events in the game. This makes the Update method an ideal place to monitor and control the varying states. In addition, the Draw method will be modified to properly reflect the current stage the game is in by drawing the proper screen.

Let's begin by declaring a new enumeration in the FuelCellGame.cs file that lists the different game states being tracked. Add the following code before the FuelCellGame class declaration declaration:

public enum GameState { Loading, Running, Won, Lost }

Now add a variable (of type GameState) after the declaration of the SpriteBatch and SpriteFont variables.

GameState currentGameState = GameState.Loading;

We're going to implement the game state component in stages, with the first stage being the Loading state. The first part, setting the current game state to Loading, is already done.

Implementing the Loading Game State

Before the player starts a new game of FuelCell, the player will need some basic instructions for controlling the vehicle and the win conditions. We'll deliver these instructions in a splash screen, which will display when the FuelCell application begins. This screen is only displayed when the game state is in the Loading stage.

Modify the following code:

 if ((lastKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter) && (lastKeyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Enter))) ||
        currentGamePadState.Buttons.Start == ButtonState.Pressed) { roundTimer = roundTime; } 

to match the following:

if (currentGameState == GameState.Loading)
    if ((lastKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter) && 
        (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Enter))) ||
        currentGamePadState.Buttons.Start == ButtonState.Pressed)
        roundTimer = roundTime;
        currentGameState = GameState.Running;

The modifications now check the game state when the player presses the Enter key or Start button, and advances the game state if the current state is GameState.Loading.

Display of the splash screen is handled in the Draw method. Since the game state is based on the current value of an enumeration, we'll draw the proper screen based on the current value of currentGameState.

In the Draw method, replace the existing code between the Clear call and the base Draw call with the following code:

 switch (currentGameState) { case GameState.Loading: DrawSplashScreen(); break; }; 

Before the player starts the game, the only thing displayed should be the splash screen. The helper method, DrawSplashScreen, clears the screen to steel blue, and then displays some informational text. Add that method after the existing DrawTerrain method:

private void DrawSplashScreen()
    float xOffsetText, yOffsetText;
    Vector2 viewportSize = new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, 
    Vector2 strCenter;


    xOffsetText = yOffsetText = 0;
    Vector2 strInstructionsSize = 
    Vector2 strPosition;
    strCenter = new Vector2(strInstructionsSize.X / 2, 
        strInstructionsSize.Y / 2);

    yOffsetText = (viewportSize.Y / 2 - strCenter.Y);
    xOffsetText = (viewportSize.X / 2 - strCenter.X);
    strPosition = new Vector2((int)xOffsetText, (int)yOffsetText);

    spriteBatch.DrawString(statsFont, GameConstants.StrInstructions1, 
        strPosition, Color.White);

    strInstructionsSize = 
    strCenter = new Vector2(strInstructionsSize.X / 2, 
        strInstructionsSize.Y / 2);
    yOffsetText = 
        (viewportSize.Y / 2 - strCenter.Y) + statsFont.LineSpacing;
    xOffsetText = (viewportSize.X / 2 - strCenter.X);
    strPosition = new Vector2((int)xOffsetText, (int)yOffsetText);

    spriteBatch.DrawString(statsFont, GameConstants.StrInstructions2, 
        strPosition, Color.LightGray);

    //re-enable depth buffer after sprite batch disablement
    //GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState.DepthBufferEnable = true;
    DepthStencilState dss = new DepthStencilState();
    dss.DepthBufferEnable = true;
    GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = dss;

    //GraphicsDevice.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = false;
    //GraphicsDevice.RenderState.AlphaTestEnable = false;

    //GraphicsDevice.SamplerStates[0].AddressU = TextureAddressMode.Wrap;
    //GraphicsDevice.SamplerStates[0].AddressV = TextureAddressMode.Wrap;

That completes the splash screen implementation.

Figure 1.  Splash Screen for FuelCell


Implementing the Running (Gameplay) Screen

The next game state you'll implement is the gameplay screen (the screen that you developed in Steps 3-6). This screen is reached after the player presses the Enter key or the Start button from the splash screen. You'll add code to the Update and Draw methods to draw this screen at the appropriate time.

In the Update method, replace the following code:

 fuelCarrier.Update(currentGamePadState, currentKeyboardState, barriers); float aspectRatio =
        graphics.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.AspectRatio; gameCamera.Update(fuelCarrier.ForwardDirection,
        fuelCarrier.Position, aspectRatio); foreach (FuelCell fuelCell in fuelCells)
        fuelCell.Update(fuelCarrier.BoundingSphere); roundTimer -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime; 

with the following code:

if ((currentGameState == GameState.Running))
        currentKeyboardState, barriers);
        fuelCarrier.Position, aspectRatio);
    retrievedFuelCells = 0;
    foreach (FuelCell fuelCell in fuelCells)
        if (fuelCell.Retrieved)
    if (retrievedFuelCells == GameConstants.NumFuelCells)
        currentGameState = GameState.Won;
    roundTimer -= gameTime.ElapsedGameTime;
    if ((roundTimer < TimeSpan.Zero) && 
        (retrievedFuelCells != GameConstants.NumFuelCells))
        currentGameState = GameState.Lost;

In the Draw method, add the following code after the existing game state check:

case GameState.Running:

And then, after the DrawSplashScreen method, add the follwoing code:

private void DrawGameplayScreen()
    foreach (FuelCell fuelCell in fuelCells)
        if (!fuelCell.Retrieved)
    foreach (Barrier barrier in barriers)


At this point, the game displays both the splash and gameplay screens. Only the win/loss screen remains.

Figure 2.  Ganeplay Screen for FuelCell


Implementing the Game Won/Game Lost Screens

The win/loss screens are similar, differing only in the initial text. From either screen, the player can choose to play another game or exit FuelCell. For this reason, you'll implement both screens using a single function. That function, DrawWinOrLoss, accepts a string parameter with the appropriate message.

First, let's modify the Update method to check for player input after a game. Add the following code after the check for GameState.Running:

if ((currentGameState == GameState.Won) || 
    (currentGameState == GameState.Lost))
    // Reset the world for a new game
    if ((lastKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter) && 
        (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Enter))) ||
        currentGamePadState.Buttons.Start == ButtonState.Pressed)
        ResetGame(gameTime, aspectRatio);

There's nothing of note in this code except for the call to the Reset method. It "resets" the world, allowing a new game to be played. Let's add that method now.

In FuelCellGame.cs, add the following method:

private void ResetGame(GameTime gameTime, float aspectRatio)
        fuelCarrier.Position, aspectRatio);

    retrievedFuelCells = 0;
    startTime = gameTime.TotalGameTime;
    roundTimer = roundTime;
    currentGameState = GameState.Running;

In the GameObject.cs file, after the LoadContent method, add the following method to the FuelCarrier class:

internal void Reset()
    Position = Vector3.Zero;
    ForwardDirection = 0f;

This returns the fuel carrier to its original position and orientation.

The final code you'll add is InitializeGameField. PLace this code after the ResetGame method (located in FuelCellGame.cs):

private void InitializeGameField()
    //Initialize barriers
    barriers = new Barrier[GameConstants.NumBarriers];
    int randomBarrier = random.Next(3);
    string barrierName = null;

    for (int index = 0; index < GameConstants.NumBarriers; index++)
        switch (randomBarrier)
            case 0:
                barrierName = "Models/cube10uR";
            case 1:
                barrierName = "Models/cylinder10uR";
            case 2:
                barrierName = "Models/pyramid10uR";
        barriers[index] = new Barrier();
        barriers[index].LoadContent(Content, barrierName);
        randomBarrier = random.Next(3);

This method completes the remaining tasks for a new game:

  • Generates new positions for all fuel cells and barriers.
  • Sets all fuel cells to a non-retrieved state and zeros out the number of retrieved fuel cells.

The final bit of code updates the Draw method to draw the winning or losing screen. Add the following code after the check for the Running game state in Draw:

case GameState.Won:
case GameState.Lost:

Now implement the DrawWinOrLossScreen method, after the existing DrawSplashScreen method:

private void DrawWinOrLossScreen(string gameResult)
    float xOffsetText, yOffsetText;
    Vector2 viewportSize = new Vector2(GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, 
    Vector2 strCenter;

    xOffsetText = yOffsetText = 0;
    Vector2 strResult = statsFont.MeasureString(gameResult);
    Vector2 strPlayAgainSize = 
    Vector2 strPosition;
    strCenter = new Vector2(strResult.X / 2, strResult.Y / 2);

    yOffsetText = (viewportSize.Y / 2 - strCenter.Y);
    xOffsetText = (viewportSize.X / 2 - strCenter.X);
    strPosition = new Vector2((int)xOffsetText, (int)yOffsetText);

    spriteBatch.DrawString(statsFont, gameResult, 
        strPosition, Color.Red);

    strCenter = 
        new Vector2(strPlayAgainSize.X / 2, strPlayAgainSize.Y / 2);
    yOffsetText = (viewportSize.Y / 2 - strCenter.Y) + 
    xOffsetText = (viewportSize.X / 2 - strCenter.X);
    strPosition = new Vector2((int)xOffsetText, (int)yOffsetText);
    spriteBatch.DrawString(statsFont, GameConstants.StrPlayAgain, 
        strPosition, Color.AntiqueWhite);


    //re-enable depth buffer after sprite batch disablement
    //GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState.DepthBufferEnable = true;
    DepthStencilState dss = new DepthStencilState();
    dss.DepthBufferEnable = true;
    GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = dss;
    //GraphicsDevice.RenderState.AlphaBlendEnable = false;
    //GraphicsDevice.RenderState.AlphaTestEnable = false;
    //GraphicsDevice.SamplerStates[0].AddressU = TextureAddressMode.Wrap;
    //GraphicsDevice.SamplerStates[0].AddressV = TextureAddressMode.Wrap;

Since the Win and Loss screens differ only in the message, we can cheat a bit and just use the same function, passing in the game result.

Figure 3.  FuelCell Congratulatory Screen


That's a Wrap!

After the (now) traditional rebuild and play session, you can now enjoy the introductory splash screen, a challenging game of retrieve the fuel cells, and (hopefully) a congratulatory winning screen.

At this point, the FuelCell game is complete. Even though you wrote a large amount of code, the possibilities for expansion are endless. For example:

  • Multiplayer - invite a competitor and whomever collects the most fuel cells wins!
  • Powerups - Add another object, or two, that gives the player a boost of speed for 5 seconds or a "ghost" ability that ignores those pesky barriers!
  • Advanced lighting and effects - improve the default lighting with a glow effect or motion blur.
  • Sound - add the Whoosh! of fuel carrier acceleration or the Bonk! of barrier collision.

If you need more ideas for expanding FuelCell or want to interact with a like-minded community of fellow game developers, check out App Hub. It's an excellent community-driven site that has active forums and helpful people who are designing new and exciting games.

Good luck in your game development future and, above all, have fun!

See Also


FuelCell Example Game