Setting Presence Information
Presence information for a player is set by using the SignedInGamer.Presence property, which is a reference to a GamerPresence object. GamerPresence has two properties that are used to set presence information:
PresenceMode, which is set to one of the values of GamerPresenceMode.
GamerPresenceMode contains values that represent strings describing what the player is doing in your game. For a full description of each string, see the GamerPresenceMode reference topic.
PresenceValue, which is an integer that provides a numeric value used with presence modes such as Stage, Level, and Score.
To set presence information for a player
Set SignedInGamer.Presence.PresenceMode with one of the values of GamerPresenceMode.
foreach (SignedInGamer signedInGamer in SignedInGamer.SignedInGamers) { signedInGamer.Presence.PresenceMode = GamerPresenceMode.InCombat; }
As described previously, some values also require SignedInGamer.Presence.PresenceValue to be set.
A game title is not displayed in a player's presence information on Xbox LIVE until that game passes peer review. Once a game passes peer review, the presence information for a player shows three things: a confirmation the player is playing an Xbox LIVE Indie Game, the game's title, and the presence information set by SignedInGamer.Presence. For example: While a game is in development, but before it passes peer review, presence information indicates the developer is using App Hub as shown:
See Also
GamerPresence Class
SignedInGamer.Presence Property