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Attribute Categories

High-level shader language (HLSL) attributes for Xbox 360 are compiler hints that influence how microcode is generated from HLSL. Using the attributes, you can optimize how microcode is emitted and tune shader performance.

The high-level shader language attributes consist of the following categories.

  • Branching Statement Attributes
  • Looping Statement Attributes
  • Function Attributes
  • Miscellaneous Attributes

Branching Statement Attributes

HLSL supports the following attributes that modify the microcode output of branching statements. These attributes affect only if statements.

Looping Statement Attributes

HLSL supports the following attributes that modify the microcode output of looping statements. Use these attributes to affect for, while, and do-while statements.

Function Attributes

HLSL supports the following attributes that modify the microcode output related to functions. Use these attributes to affect either how functions are called or how microcode is generated throughout the scope of a function.

Miscellaneous Attributes

HLSL supports the following attributes to isolate areas of HLSL code for optimization and mark certain input parameters as unused.

See Also


HLSL Attributes (Xbox 360)
Attribute Syntax


HLSL Attributes Reference (Xbox 360)