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NDISTest 6.5 - WLANWakeTests - OSStack

This automated test suite validates the Wake on Wireless LAN capabilities.

Test details

Associated requirements

Device.Network.WLAN.Base.MeetScanAndConnReq Device.Network.WLAN.CSBBase.MeetScanAndConnReq Device.Network.WLAN.CSBWoWLAN.MustSupportWakeOnWLAN Device.Network.WLAN.WoWLAN.ImplementWakeOnWLAN

See the device hardware requirements.


Windows RT (ARM-based) Windows 8 (x64) Windows 8 (x86) Windows RT 8.1 Windows 8.1 x64 Windows 8.1 x86

Expected run time

~20 minutes


Certification Functional




Running the test

Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: Wireless LAN (802.11) Testing Prerequisites.

The following suites are available in this test:

  • PM_WoWlanMagicpacket

  • PM_WoWlanPattern

The PM_WoWlanMagicpacket suite consists of the following tests:

Name Description


The PM_WoWlanPattern suite consists of the following tesst:

Name Description

Begin execution of Wake on LAN test for pattern type: RandomPattern

  • Put the device to sleep and send a matching packet. Make sure the device wakes in response to the packet.

  • Put the device to sleep then send a non-matching packet. Make sure the device does not wake in response to the packet.

  • Send a matching packet for a removed pattern and make sure the device does not wake.

  • Verify that a simple send and receive works in both directions after the device is awake.

Begin execution of Wake on LAN test for pattern type: MaxSizePattern

  • Put the device to sleep and send a matching packet. Make sure the device wakes in response to the packet.

  • Put the device to sleep then send a non-matching packet. Make sure the device does not wake in response to the packet.

  • Send a matching packet for a removed pattern and make sure the device does not wake.

  • Verify that a simple send and receive works in both directions after the device is awake.

Begin execution of capacity Wake on LAN test for pattern type: RandomPattern

  • Put the device to sleep and send a matching packet. Make sure the device wakes in response to the packet.

  • Put the device to sleep and send a matching packet. Make sure the device wakes in response to the packet.



For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Wireless LAN (802.11) Tests.

More information

Command syntax

Parameter Description


The root password for the first physical access point.


The IP address of the WAN port of the first physical access point.


The root password for the second physical access point.


The root password for the second physical access point.




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