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NDISTest 6.5 - WlanPower

This automated test suite verifies the miniport driver’s performance for power save mode.

Test details

Associated requirements

Device.Network.WLAN.Base.ConformToNDIS Device.Network.WLAN.Base.OnlyWDFOrNDIS630Calls Device.Network.WLAN.Base.SupportWiFiAutoSaveMode Device.Network.WLAN.CSBBase.ConformToNDIS Device.Network.WLAN.CSBBase.OnlyWDFOrNDIS630Calls Device.Network.WLAN.CSBBase.SupportWiFiAutoSaveMode Device.Network.WLAN.CSBNLO.SupportNetworkListOffload Device.Network.WLAN.NLO.SupportNetworkListOffload

See the device hardware requirements.


Windows 7 (x64) Windows 7 (x86) Windows RT (ARM-based) Windows 8 (x64) Windows 8 (x86) Windows RT 8.1 Windows 8.1 x64 Windows 8.1 x86

Expected run time

~8 minutes


Certification Functional




Running the test

Before you run the test, complete the test setup as described in the test requirements: Wireless LAN (802.11) Testing Prerequisites.

The following suites are available:

  • AutoPowerSaveMode_ext

  • NetworkListOffload_ext

  • NicPowerState_ext

The AutoPowerSaveMode_ext suite consists of the following:

Name Description

Verify device supports Auto Power Save Mode

Check capabilities of the device.

Verify send and receive with DUT on auto power save mode enabled

  • Verify auto power save mode = true by sending unicast data from the DUT to the access point.

  • Verify auto power save mode = true by receiving unicast data from the access point.

  • Verify auto power save mode = true by sending broadcast data from the DUT to the access point.

  • Verify auto power save mode = true by receiving broadcast data from the access point.

Verify send and receive with DUT on auto power save mode disabled

  • Verify auto power save mode = false by sending unicast data from the DUT to the access point.

  • Verify auto power save mode = false by receiving unicast data from the access point.

  • Verify auto power save mode = false by sending broadcast data from the DUT to the access point.

  • Verify auto power save mode = false by receiving broadcast data from the access point.


The NetworkListOffload_ext suite consists of the following:

Name Description


Verify the miniport reports offload capability greater than the requirement of 10.


Verify the miniport does not reject a list with a single element.


Verify the miniport does not reject an empty NLO list.


Verify the miniport does not reject a list with the required size.


Verify the miniport does not reject a list with the reported size.


Test miniport indicates status. This is the only test to use SoftAP.


The NicPowerState_ext suite consists of the following:

Name Description


  • Set the OID_DOT11_NIC_POWER_STATE to radio OFF for all PHY IDs and verify that the query returns the correct state.

  • Set the OID_DOT11_NIC_POWER_STATE to radio ON for all PHY IDs and verify the query returns the correct state.


Sleep for several seconds while all PHY IDs are disabled. Verify that the statistics counters for each PHY ID are not incremented while PHYs are disabled.


  • Set the OID_DOT11_NIC_POWER_STATE to radio OFF for all PHY IDs and verify the NDIS_STATUS_DOT11_PHY_STATE_CHANGED indication is received.

  • Set the OID_DOT11_NIC_POWER_STATE to radio ON for each PHY ID and verify the NDIS_STATUS_DOT11_PHY_STATE_CHANGED indication is received.


Reset the DUT and verify that the NIC power state is persisted for all PHY IDs after reset.


Verify that the NIC power state is persisted for all PHY IDs after a enable or disable.


Verify the DUT reports correct state and indications when hardware switch is enabled or disabled.

The test will show a dialog box asking if the user wants to test with a hardware switch. If yes, the test will tell the user when to turn the hardware switch off or on. If no or the dialog box is ignored, test is skipped.



For troubleshooting information, see Troubleshooting Wireless LAN (802.11) Tests.



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