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Adding a New Font Language Support Component

You can add a custom font to your run-time image to support a Language.

To add a new font language support component

  1. In Component Designer, create and define your font component.

    Create and set the repository for your component if the component is based on a file that is not part of the Windows XP Embedded component database.

  2. In the details pane, in the Prototype box, choose Browse. The Select Prototype Component dialog box appears.

  3. Locate the Font Prototype component in the Select Prototype Component dialog box.

  4. Choose OK.

  5. Add the following extended property to your component:

    • Property Name: cmiLangModuleType
    • Property Format: Integer
    • Property Value: 1

    For information, see Extended Properties in Windows XP Embedded Studio Help.

  6. Add the following group memberships to your font component:

    • A membership to the Software\System\Multimedia & Graphics\Infrastructure\Fonts group.
    • A membership to the <Language Name> Language Extended Support dependency group. For example, for Japanese, add a membership to the Japanese Language Extended Support dependency group.

    For more information, see Assigning an Object to a Group in Windows XP Embedded Studio Help.

  7. Import the .sld file for your new component into the component database using Component Database Manager.

  8. In Target Designer, verify that the display name of your font component appears in the check box list under the Fonts group box in the configuration DHTML for the language support component you chose. Select the check box and verify that your component is included in the configuration during the dependency check process.

See Also

Custom Language Support Components | Adding MUI Support

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

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