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How to get associated objects

This topic shows how to get objects that are associated with a given object.

The object being used is the example Win32_Process object defined in the CIM Class Overview topic.


In this example, we want to get a list of processes that are using a given file. In CIM, the relationship between Process and File is represented through an association class called CIM_ProcessExecutable.

Get-Win32Process –ProcessFile <CimInstance#CIM_DataFile>

Here we want to find the list of processes for a given logon session (instance of Win32_LogonSession class). The Name and Id parameters have been removed to keep the example simple.

<PowerShellMetadata xmlns="">
  <Class ClassName="root\cimv2\Win32_Process">
        <CmdletMetadata Verb="Get" HelpUri=""/>
         <GetCmdletParameters DefaultCmdletParameterSet="ByName">
           <Association Association="CIM_ProcessExecutable" ResultRole="Dependent" SourceRole="Antecedent">
              <Type PSType="Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance"    ETSType="Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimInstance#root\cimv2\CIM_DataFile"/>
              <CmdletParameterMetadata PSName="ProcessFile" ValueFromPipeline="true" CmdletParameterSets="ByName ByLiteralName"/>

Here is how you would use the sample CDXML in PowerShell.

#Save the sample file as CDXML (for example, Win32Process.cdxml)
#Import this file in PS
Import-module .\win32Process.cdxml
#check the imported cmdlets
Get-command –module win32process* -syntax
#run the cmdlet
#Create a local instance of CIM_File class to pass to Get-Win32Process
$file = New-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_DataFile -Namespace root/cimv2 -Property @{Name="C:\Windows\System32\wininet.dll"} -Key Name -ClientOnly 
#NOTE: In most of the cases, there would be another cmdlet to get instances of CIM_DataFile
Get-Win32Process –ProcessFile $file