Supported OLE DB Properties of the Remoting Provider
This feature will be removed in a future version of Windows. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature. Applications should instead use WCF Data Service.
Property |
Description |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_ADC Default value: 15 Typical R/W: R Cursor Service?specific property that controls the number of rows that can be batched together when the rowset is being updated by the Cursor Service. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_ADC Default value: 2 Typical R/W: R/W Cursor Service?specific property that specifies the update criteria (primary keys, timestamps, modified columns, and so on) to be used for the OCC-style batch updating by the Cursor Service when updating the recordset. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_ADC Default value: 15 Typical R/W: R/W Cursor Service?specific property used by the consumers of remoted recordsets for asynchronous operations. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_ADC Default value: 50 Typical R/W: R/W Cursor Service?specific property used by the consumers of remoted recordsets for asynchronous operations. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_ADC Default value: 3 Typical R/W: R/W Cursor Service?specific property used by the consumers of remoted recordsets for asynchronous operations. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: VARIANT_TRUE Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property. Specifies whether or not the data source object or enumerator is allowed to cache sensitive authentication information. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: VARIANT_FALSE Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property. Specifies whether or not the consumer requires an encrypted password. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: NULL Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property. A string containing the name of the authentication server to identify the user. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: VARIANT_FALSE Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property. Specifies whether or not the consumer requires a masking of the sent password. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: VT_EMPTY Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property specifying the string containing the password to be used in connecting. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: VARIANT_FALSE Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property. Specifies whether or not the consumer requires the data source object to persist encrypted authentication information. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: VARIANT_TRUE Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property. Specifies whether or not the consumer should persist sensitive authentication information. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: VT_EMPTY Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property containing the user ID. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_ROWSET Default value: n/a Typical R/W: R/W Standard OLE DB property that specifies the time after which the command should time out. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DATASOURCEINFO Default value: DBPROPVAL_RT_FREETHREAD Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property. This bitmask specifies the data source object?supported threading models. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: VT_EMPTY Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property with the name of the connection data store or enumerator. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: 0 Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property that specifies the window handle to be used. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: DB_IMP_LEVEL_DELEGATE Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property that holds the impersonation level. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: VT_EMPTY Typical R/W: R/W Standard OLE DB property specifying the locale of preference for the consumer. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: VT_EMPTY Typical R/W: R/W Standard OLE DB property that holds the location of the data source object or enumerator. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: DB_MODE_READWRITE | DB_MODE_SHARE_DENY_NONE Typical R/W: R/W Standard OLE DB property. A bitmask specifying access permissions. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: DBPROPMT_NOPROMPT Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property that specifies whether or not to prompt the user during initialization. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: DB_PROT_LEVEL_NONE Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property that specifies the level of network connection protection of sent data. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: VT_EMPTY Typical R/W: R/W Standard OLE DB property that specifies provider-specific, extended connection information. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DBINIT Default value: VT_EMPTY Typical R/W: R/W Standard OLE DB property that specifies the number of seconds to wait for initialization to complete. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_ROWSET Default value: n/a Typical R/W: R/W with exceptions Standard OLE DB property that specifies whether or not the rowset supports this interface. Specifically, it controls whether the remoted recordset should be updatable. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_ROWSET Default value: n/a Typical R/W: R/W with exceptions Standard OLE DB property that specifies whether or not the rowset supports this interface. Specifically, it controls whether the remoted recordset should be batch-updatable. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_ROWSET Default value: n/a Typical R/W: R/W Standard OLE DB property that specifies the maximum number of rows that can be returned in a rowset. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_MSREMOTE_DATASOURCE Type: VT_I4 Default value: 21 Typical R/W: R/W Remoting Provider property that specifies which version of the DataFactory object has last been accessed. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_MSREMOTE_DBINIT Type: VT_BSTR Default value: VT_EMPTY Typical R/W: R/W Remoting Provider property that, in order to use the appropriate methods, specifies which version of the DataFactory object is expected to be encountered. Example: DFMode=21,20 |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_MSREMOTE_DBINIT Type: VT_BSTR Default value: VT_EMPTY Typical R/W: R/W Remoting Provider property that specifies the ADO Event Handler and its arguments. Example: Handler=,,MSDFMAP.Handler,arg1,arg2,... For more information about the ADO Event Handler, see "ADO Event Handler Summary" in the ADO Programmer's Reference. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_MSREMOTE_DBINIT Type: VT_BSTR Default value: VT_EMPTY Typical R/W: R/W Remoting Provider property that specifies the name of the Remoting Provider to use. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_MSREMOTE_DBINIT Type: VT_BSTR Default value: VT_EMPTY Typical R/W: R/W Remoting Provider property that specifies the name or alias of the remote server. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DATASOURCEINFO Default value: VARIANT_FALSE Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property. Specifies whether or not the (data) provider supports multiple parameter sets. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DATASOURCEINFO Default value: DBPROPVAL_MR_NOTSUPPORTED Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property. A bitmask specifying whether or not the (data) provider supports multiple results objects. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DATASOURCEINFO Default value: DBPROPVAL_OA_NOTSUPPORTED Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property that specifies the time at which output parameter values become available. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DATASOURCEINFO Default value: "MS Remote" Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property showing the provider's friendly name. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DATASOURCEINFO Default value: "Msdarem.dll" Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property showing the provider's file name. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DATASOURCEINFO Default value: "2.1" Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property showing the OLE DB version supported by the provider. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_DATASOURCEINFO Default value: "2.1.xxxx" for the full version number Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property showing the version number of the provider. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_SESSION Default value: DBPROPVAL_TI_CHAOS Typical R/W: R Standard OLE DB property. A bitmask specifying the transaction isolation level while in auto-commit mode. |
Property Set: DBPROPSET_ROWSET Default value: n/a Typical R/W: R/W Standard OLE DB property specifying whether or not each row is uniquely identified by its column values. |