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Requirements for Primary Snap-ins

Primary snap-ins have the following requirements:

  • Primary snap-ins must register the node type GUIDs of their extendable node types under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\MMC\SnapIns\{snapinCLSID}\NodeTypes Key. The {snapinCLSID} key is the name for a snap-in's key and is the string representation of the snap-in's CLSID. For more information about the SnapIns Key, see Registering and Unregistering a Snap-in.

    MMC uses the values in the NodeTypes Key to find the node types for the snap-in and then uses that list of node types to get the extensions for those node types. That set of extension snap-ins is displayed as the available extensions for the snap-in on the Extensions tab of the Add/Remove Snap-in dialog box.

  • Primary snap-ins must publish any clipboard formats that extension snap-ins need to be able to exchange data with them. Primary snap-in developers should also make information available about the data structures that must be used with the published clipboard formats.

  • Primary snap-ins with node types that are extended by property page extensions must implement the IExtendPropertySheet2 interface and enable the properties verb, even if they do not add any property pages themselves. For more information, see Extending a Primary Snap-in's Property Sheet.

Primary snap-ins that also support required or dynamic extensions have additional requirements. For more information about required extensions, see Adding Required Extensions. For more information about adding support for dynamic extensions, see Adding Dynamic Extensions.

Requirements for Extension Snap-ins

Working with Extension Snap-ins