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How to: Provision Contacts

The following example shows how to provision an object for a Lotus Notes connected data source for a contact.


In Lotus Notes, you can provision contacts for the primary or secondary address book. Contacts are created with the Lotus Notes _MMS_IDRegType property set to 0. Users, created with the _MMS_IDRegType property set to 1 or 2, cannot be provisioned for the secondary address book. Because Groups are not created as objects, you can provision them to the primary or secondary address book.

Public Sub Provision(ByVal mventry As MVEntry) _
    Implements IMVSynchronization.Provision

    Dim ManagementAgent As ConnectedMA
    Dim Connectors As Integer
    Dim csentry As CSEntry
    Dim DNName As String

    If mventry("EmployeeStatus").IsPresent _
        AndAlso mventry("EmployeeStatus").Value.Equals("active") Then

        ManagementAgent = mventry.ConnectedMAs("Lotus Notes MA")
        Connectors = ManagementAgent.Connectors.Count

        If 0 = Connectors Then

            csentry = ManagementAgent.Connectors.StartNewConnector("person")
            DNName = mventry("sn").Value

            If mventry("middleName").IsPresent Then
                DNName = mventry("middleName").Value + " " + DNName
            End If

            If mventry("givenName").IsPresent Then
                DNName = mventry("givenName").Value + " " + DNName
            End If

            '  Set the property values to provision the object.
            csentry.DN = ManagementAgent.EscapeDNComponent(DNName).Concat("NAB=names.nsf")
            csentry("_MMS_IDRegType").IntegerValue = 0  ' Contact

            '  Finish creating the new connector.

        End If

    End If

End Sub
void IMVSynchronization.Provision (MVEntry mventry)
    ConnectedMA ManagementAgent;
    int Connectors;
    CSEntry csentry;
    string DNName;

            ManagementAgent = mventry.ConnectedMAs["Lotus Notes MA"];    
            Connectors = ManagementAgent.Connectors.Count;

            if(0 == Connectors)
                csentry = ManagementAgent.Connectors.StartNewConnector("person");
                DNName = mventry["sn"].Value; 

                    DNName = mventry["middleName"].Value + " " + DNName;

                    DNName = mventry["givenName"].Value + " " + DNName;
                // Set the property values to provision the object.
                csentry.DN = ManagementAgent.EscapeDNComponent(DNName).Concat("NAB=names.nsf");
                csentry["LastName"].Value = mventry["sn"].Value;
                csentry["_MMS_IDRegType"].IntegerValue = 0;  // Contact
                // Finish creating the new connector.

See Also


Lotus Notes Connected Data Sources

Other Resources

Lotus Notes Properties