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About the RSoP WMI Method Provider

The RSoP MMC snap-in (Rsop.msc) calls the methods of a WMI method provider to create RSoP data.

Planning mode

In the planning mode, the RSoP snap-in calls the methods of the RsopPlanningModeProvider class to create resultant policy data in a what-if scenario. The RsopCreateSession method generates the planning mode data, and the RsopDeleteSession method deletes the planning mode data when it is no longer required by the snap-in.

Logging mode

In the logging mode, the RSoP snap-in calls the methods of the RsopLoggingModeProvider class to take a snapshot of the policy data that is already present on a computer. Because the data on a computer is periodically refreshed by the Winlogon process, a snapshot allows the snap-in to display the data before the system overwrites it during a policy refresh.

Call the RsopCreateSession method to create a snapshot of the logging mode data. RsopCreateSession creates data snapshots under temporary namespaces that are generated dynamically. Computer snapshot data is created under \\.\root\rsop\<TempNameSpace>\Computer. User snapshot data is created under \\.\root\rsop\<TempNameSpace>\User\.

The RsopDeleteSession method deletes data snapshots when they are no longer required by the snap-in.

Call the RsopEnumerateUsers method to retrieve the list of users whose policy data is available in logging mode.

Be aware that the RSoP UI tool must call the CoInitializeSecurity function before calling previously listed methods. This enables the provider implementation to impersonate the client when required.

For more information, see the following topics: