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RemoteDesktopClientTouchPointer object

[RemoteDesktopClientTouchPointer is no longer available for use as of Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview.]

Provides the properties needed to control the touch pointer feature of the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) app container client control.

The touch pointer feature allows the RDP app container client control to translate touch screen actions on the client into equivalent mouse actions in the remote session. This feature is useful when the remote session is running an operating system or application that is not optimized for touch screen. When the Enabled property is set, the RDP app container client control will interpret certain touch gestures and translate them into mouse events in the remote session. These translations make it easier for the user to simulate certain mouse actions that do not readily translate to touch screen gestures, such as right-click and drag.

The following is a list of client touch-screen gestures and their corresponding remote session mouse events.

Client touch-screen gesture Remote session mouse event


Left button click


Cursor move

Press and hold with one finger, then tap with another finger to the right of the first finger

Right button click

Press and hold with one finger, then press and hold with another finger to the left of the first finger

Left button click and hold

Press and hold with one finger, then press and hold with another finger to the right of the first finger

Right button click and hold



The RemoteDesktopClientTouchPointer object has these types of members:

  • Properties


The RemoteDesktopClientTouchPointer object has these properties.

Property Access type Description



Specifies if the touch pointer feature is enabled on the RDP app container client control.



Specifies if touch pointer event notifications are enabled for the RDP app container client control.



Specifies how fast the touch pointer cursor will move on the virtual desktop relative to the speed of the gesture on the client.