Como converter traços de tinta em texto (HTML)
[ Este artigo destina-se aos desenvolvedores do Windows 8.x e do Windows Phone 8.x que escrevem aplicativos do Windows Runtime. Se você estiver desenvolvendo para o Windows 10, consulte documentação mais recente]
Saiba como usar reconhecimento de manuscrito e converter traços de tinta em texto em um aplicativo da Windows Store criado em JavaScript.
Atualizações para Windows 8.1: O Windows 8.1 introduz uma série de atualizações e melhorias para as APIs de entrada de ponteiro. Para saber mais, veja Alterações de API para Windows 8.1.
Para este exemplo, usamos a funcionalidade de reconhecimento interna (RecognizeAsync) do objeto InkManager para converter todos os traços de tinta em texto e armazenar os resultados no gerenciador.
Se o reconhecimento não for necessário, use um objeto InkStrokeContainer em vez de InkManager. Os resultados de reconhecimento anteriores ainda estão disponíveis por meio de GetRecognitionResults.
Se apenas o reconhecimento for necessário, use um InkRecognizerContainer em vez de InkManager.
O que você precisa saber
Estas instruções fazem parte do tópico Início rápido: capturando dados de tinta.
Nós supomos que você possa criar um aplicativo da Windows Store básico usando JavaScript que usa o modelo da Biblioteca do Windows para JavaScript.
- Para obter instruções sobre como criar o primeiro aplicativo da Windows Store, consulte Criar seu primeiro aplicativo da Windows Store em JavaScript.
- Para saber mais informações sobre como usar os objetos e controles da WinJS, veja Guia de início rápido: adicionando controles e estilos WinJS.
Etapa 1: Crie um gerenciador de tinta
Inicialize um objeto InkManager que processará e manipulará os dados relacionados à tinta obtidos da entrada do ponteiro.
// Create an ink manager.
// InkManager is documented at
var inkManager = new Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManager();
Etapa 2: Definir o idioma padrão para reconhecimento
Defina o idioma do reconhecedor padrão. Para o Windows 8, cada pacote de idiomas inclui um conjunto de idiomas de reconhecimento relevantes. Para saber mais sobre os idiomas de reconhecimento válidos, veja Name.
Se você não definir o idioma padrão, o sistema escolherá um com base no idioma principal identificado no painel de controle Idioma. Se o idioma principal não incluir um idioma de reconhecimento, o sistema usará um dos idiomas secundários ou EN-US.
Veja como definir o idioma padrão como Reconhecedor de Manuscrito da Microsoft para Português (Brasil).
// Set default recognition language.
if (!setRecognizerByName("Microsoft English (US) Handwriting Recognizer")) {
statusMessage.innerText += "\nRecognition: Failed to find English (US) recognizer.";
else {
statusMessage.innerText += "\nRecognition: English (US) recognizer.";
Use GetRecognizers para recuperar os idiomas de reconhecimento disponíveis no sistema do usuário. Faça iteração nesta lista e, se o idioma desejado for encontrado, chame SetDefaultRecognizer. Se o idioma desejado não for encontrado, exiba um erro e use o padrão do sistema.
/// <summary>
/// Finds a specific recognizer, and sets the inkManager's default to that recognizer.
/// Returns true if successful.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recognizerName">The name of the handwriting recognizer.</param>
function setRecognizerByName(recognizerName) {
try {
// recognizers is a normal JavaScript array
var recognizers = inkManager.getRecognizers();
for (var i = 0, len = recognizers.length; i < len; i++) {
if (recognizerName === recognizers[i].name) {
return true;
catch (e) {
displayError("setRecognizerByName: " + e.toString());
return false;
Etapa 3: Habilitar reconhecimento
Forneça uma maneira de o usuário iniciar o reconhecimento.
Primeiro, declare um conjunto de botões de modo.
<div id="applicationTitle">Ink sample</div>
<canvas id="inkCanvas"></canvas>
<button id="load">Load</button>
<button id="save">Save</button>
<button id="draw">Draw</button>
<button id="select">Select</button>
<button id="selectall">Select all</button>
<button id="erase">Erase</button>
<button id="eraseAll">Erase all</button>
<button id="recognize" value="selected">Handwriting recognition</button>
<div id="modeMessage"></div>
<div id="deviceMessage"></div>
<div id="statusMessage"></div>
Depois, declare um ouvinte de eventos.
get("recognize").addEventListener("click", recognizeStrokes, false);
Etapa 4: Processar todos os traços
Por fim, manipule a solicitação de reconhecimento e processe todos os traços controlados pelo gerenciador de tinta através do mecanismo de reconhecimento.
Por questões de simplicidade, esse exemplo processa todos os traços especificando InkRecognitionTarget de all. A especificação de InkRecognitionTarget de recent processa somente os traços adicionados desde a última chamada de RecognizeAsync. Isso normalmente é útil nos casos em que todos os traços são tratados como manuscrito e precisam ser reconhecidos dinamicamente com base em um evento como pointerup, em vez de um comando de usuário. Use selected para processar somente os traços selecionados.
/// <summary>
/// Invoked when the "Handwriting recognition" button is pressed.
/// The ink manager processes all strokes through recognizeAsync, which returns
/// the number of words detected and a set of recognition results for each word.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="evt">The event object.</param>
function recognizeStrokes(evt) {
// Ensure ink strokes exist before calling recognizeAsync.
if (inkManager.getStrokes().length > 0) {
// recognizeAsync fails if other recognition tasks are in progress.
try {
// The ink manager is used to store the recognition results.
// recognizeAsync has 3 modes: all | selected | recent.
// For this example, we process all strokes.
// recognizeAsync is documented at
// The recognitionResult object returned by recognizeAsync exposes the
// bounding rect, strokes, and text candidates for each word.
// In this example, we simply display the word count and recognition results.
function (results) {
// recognizeAsync does not automatically update existing recognition results in the ink manager.
// updateRecognitionResults is documented at
var x = inkManager.getRecognizers();
// Display the number of words returned in results.
statusMessage.innerText = "Words recognized: " + results.length.toString();
// Iterate through each word and display the ranked list of possible matches.
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
statusMessage.innerText += "\nWord" + (i+1).toString() + ":";
var alts = results[i].getTextCandidates();
for (var j = 0; j < alts.length; j++) {
statusMessage.innerText += " " + alts[j].toString();
function (e) {
displayError("InkManager::recognizeAsync: " + e.toString());
catch (e) {
displayError("recognize: " + e.toString());
else {
statusMessage.innerText = "No strokes to recognize.";
Veja Entrada: exemplo de tinta para obter um exemplo de como usar os candidatos de texto e retângulo delimitador para cada palavra expostos pela coleção de objetos InkRecognitionResult retornados por RecognizeAsync. Após a conclusão do reconhecimento, o toque em uma palavra exibirá uma lista de candidatos de texto selecionáveis em um submenu adjacente à palavra.
Exemplo completo
//// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved
// Windows Store app that demonstrates the use of the Windows.UI.Input.Inking APIs.
// Ink functionality is documented at
// User interaction functionality is documented at
// Ink APIs are documented at
// Pointer APIs are documented at
(function ()
"use strict";
// Global variables
// UI object references.
var inkCanvas;
var inkContext;
var modeMessage;
var deviceMessage
var statusMessage;
// Create an ink manager.
// InkManager is documented at
var inkManager = new Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManager();
// Initial pointer values.
var pointerId = -1;
var pointerDeviceType = null;
// Initial stroke property values.
var strokeColor;
var strokeWidth;
// End global variables
// Obtain reference to the specified element.
function get(elementId)
return document.getElementById(elementId);
function initialize()
// Set up the UI.
inkCanvas = get("inkCanvas");
inkContext = inkCanvas.getContext("2d");
inkContext.lineCap = "round";
inkContext.lineKJoin = "round";
inkCanvas.width = window.innerWidth - 10;
inkCanvas.height = window.innerHeight * 0.5;
deviceMessage = get("deviceMessage");
deviceMessage.innerText = "Undefined";
modeMessage = get("modeMessage");
modeMessage.innerText = inkManager.mode;
statusMessage = get("statusMessage");
statusMessage.innerText = "No pointer input detected."
// Set initial ink mode.
// Set default recognition language.
if (!setRecognizerByName("Microsoft English (US) Handwriting Recognizer")) {
statusMessage.innerText += "\nRecognition: Failed to find English (US) recognizer.";
else {
statusMessage.innerText += "\nRecognition: English (US) recognizer.";
// Set up the handlers for input processing.
inkCanvas.addEventListener("pointerdown", onPointerDown, false);
inkCanvas.addEventListener("pointermove", onPointerMove, false);
inkCanvas.addEventListener("pointerup", onPointerUp, false);
get("save").addEventListener("click", saveStrokes, false);
get("load").addEventListener("click", loadStrokes, false);
get("draw").addEventListener("click", drawStrokes, false);
get("select").addEventListener("click", selectStrokes, false);
get("selectall").addEventListener("click", selectAllStrokes, false);
get("erase").addEventListener("click", eraseStrokes, false);
get("eraseAll").addEventListener("click", eraseAllStrokes, false);
get("recognize").addEventListener("click", recognizeStrokes, false);
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", initialize, false);
function getPointerDeviceType(pId)
var pointerDeviceType;
var pointerPoint = Windows.UI.Input.PointerPoint.getCurrentPoint(pId);
switch (pointerPoint.pointerDevice.pointerDeviceType)
case Windows.Devices.Input.PointerDeviceType.touch:
pointerDeviceType = "Touch";
case Windows.Devices.Input.PointerDeviceType.pen:
pointerDeviceType = "Pen";
case Windows.Devices.Input.PointerDeviceType.mouse:
pointerDeviceType = "Mouse";
pointerDeviceType = "Undefined";
deviceMessage.innerText = pointerDeviceType;
return pointerDeviceType;
// Occurs when the pointer (touch, pen, mouse) is detected by the canvas.
// Each stroke begins with onPointerDown.
function onPointerDown(evt)
// Get the device type for the pointer input.
pointerDeviceType = getPointerDeviceType(evt.pointerId);
// Process pen and mouse (with left button) only. Reserve touch for manipulations.
if ((pointerDeviceType === "Pen") || ((pointerDeviceType === "Mouse") && (evt.button === 0)))
statusMessage.innerText = pointerDeviceType + " pointer down: Start stroke. "
// Process one pointer at a time.
if (pointerId === -1)
var current = evt.currentPoint;
// Start drawing the stroke.
inkContext.lineWidth = strokeWidth;
inkContext.strokeStyle = strokeColor;
inkContext.moveTo(current.position.x, current.position.y);
// Add current pointer to the ink manager (begin stroke).
// The pointer id is used to restrict input processing to the current stroke.
pointerId = evt.pointerId;
// Process touch input.
// Mouse: Occurs when the pointer moves.
// Pen/Touch: Occurs at a steady rate (approx. 100 messages/second) whether the pointer moves or not.
function onPointerMove(evt)
// Process pen and mouse (with left button) only. Reserve touch for manipulations.
if ((pointerDeviceType === "Pen") || ((pointerDeviceType === "Mouse") && (evt.button === -1)))
statusMessage.innerText = pointerDeviceType + " pointer move: Draw stroke as lines. "
// The pointer Id is used to restrict input processing to the current stroke.
// pointerId is updated in onPointerDown().
if (evt.pointerId === pointerId)
var current = evt.currentPoint;
// Draw stroke in real time.
inkContext.lineTo(current.rawPosition.x, current.rawPosition.y);
// Add current pointer to the ink manager (update stroke).
// Process touch input.
// Occurs when the pointer (touch, pen, mouse) is lifted from the canvas.
// Each stroke ends with onPointerUp.
function onPointerUp(evt)
// Process pen and mouse (with left button) only. Reserve touch for manipulations.
if ((pointerDeviceType === "Pen") || ((pointerDeviceType === "Mouse") && (evt.button === 0)))
statusMessage.innerText = pointerDeviceType + " pointer up: Finish stroke. "
if (evt.pointerId === pointerId) {
// Add current pointer to the ink manager (end stroke).
// End live drawing.
// Render strokes using bezier curves.
// Reset pointer Id.
pointerId = -1;
// Process touch input.
// Render all strokes using bezier curves instead of line segments.
function renderAllStrokes()
statusMessage.innerText += "Render strokes as bezier curves."
// Clear the drawing surface of existing strokes.
inkContext.clearRect(0, 0, inkCanvas.width, inkCanvas.height);
// Iterate through each stroke.
function (stroke)
if (stroke.selected) {
inkContext.lineWidth = stroke.drawingAttributes.size.width * 2;
inkContext.strokeStyle = "green";
} else {
inkContext.lineWidth = stroke.drawingAttributes.size.width;
inkContext.strokeStyle = "black";
// Enumerate through each line segment of the stroke.
var first = true;
function (segment)
// Move to the starting screen location of the stroke.
if (first)
inkContext.moveTo(segment.position.x, segment.position.y);
first = false;
// Calculate the bezier curve for the segment.
segment.position.x, segment.position.y);
// Draw the stroke.
// Set up draw mode.
function drawStrokes() {
inkManager.mode = Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManipulationMode.inking;
strokeColor = "black";
strokeWidth = 2;
modeMessage.innerText = inkManager.mode;
// Set up selection mode.
function selectStrokes() {
inkManager.mode = Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManipulationMode.selecting;
strokeColor = "red";
strokeWidth = 1;
modeMessage.innerText = inkManager.mode;
// Set up erase mode.
function eraseStrokes() {
inkManager.mode = Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManipulationMode.erasing;
strokeColor = "gold";
strokeWidth = 1;
modeMessage.innerText = inkManager.mode;
// Select all strokes handler.
function selectAllStrokes() {
inkManager.mode = Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManipulationMode.selecting;
strokeColor = "red";
strokeWidth = 1;
modeMessage.innerText = "Select all strokes.";
// Iterate through each stroke.
function (stroke) {
stroke.selected = 1;
// Select all strokes handler.
function eraseAllStrokes() {
inkManager.mode = Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManipulationMode.inking;
strokeColor = "black";
strokeWidth = 2;
modeMessage.innerText = "Erase all strokes.";
// Iterate through each stroke.
function (stroke) {
stroke.selected = 1;
// Save all strokes owned by inkManager.
function saveStrokes()
// Ensure that strokes exist before calling saveAsync.
if (inkManager.getStrokes().size > 0)
// Set up the file save screen.
var savePicker = Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileSavePicker();
savePicker.suggestedStartLocation = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.picturesLibrary;
savePicker.fileTypeChoices.insert("GIF with embedded ISF", [".gif"]);
savePicker.defaultFileExtension = ".gif";
// Set up the stream.
var saveStream = null;
// Asynchronously save the ink data to the stream.
function (file)
if (null !== file)
function (stream)
saveStream = stream;
return inkManager.saveAsync(saveStream);
function ()
return saveStream.flushAsync();
function (e) {
// Override the standard saveAsync error with our own.
throw new Error("saveAsync");
function ()
statusMessage.innerText = "Strokes saved as GIF with embedded ISF (.gif).";
function (e) {
statusMessage.innerText = "Save: " + e.toString();
// Close the stream if open.
if (saveStream) {
statusMessage.innerText = "No strokes to save.";
// Load strokes into an inkManager.
function loadStrokes()
// Set up the file open screen.
var openPicker = Windows.Storage.Pickers.FileOpenPicker();
openPicker.suggestedStartLocation = Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId.picturesLibrary;
// Set up the stream.
var loadStream = null;
// Asynchronously load the ink data from the stream.
function (file)
if (null != file)
function (stream) {
loadStream = stream;
return inkManager.loadAsync(loadStream);
var strokes = inkManager.getStrokes().length;
if (strokes === 0)
statusMessage.innerText = "No strokes in file.";
statusMessage.innerText = strokes + " strokes loaded.";
function (e)
statusMessage.innerText = "Load failed.";
if (loadStream)
// Close the stream if open.
/// <summary>
/// Finds a specific recognizer, and sets the inkManager's default to that recognizer.
/// Returns true if successful.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="recognizerName">The name of the handwriting recognizer.</param>
function setRecognizerByName(recognizerName) {
try {
// recognizers is a normal JavaScript array
var recognizers = inkManager.getRecognizers();
for (var i = 0, len = recognizers.length; i < len; i++) {
if (recognizerName === recognizers[i].name) {
return true;
catch (e) {
displayError("setRecognizerByName: " + e.toString());
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Invoked when the "Handwriting recognition" button is pressed.
/// The ink manager processes all strokes through recognizeAsync, which returns
/// the number of words detected and a set of recognition results for each word.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="evt">The event object.</param>
function recognizeStrokes(evt) {
// Ensure ink strokes exist before calling recognizeAsync.
if (inkManager.getStrokes().length > 0) {
// recognizeAsync fails if other recognition tasks are in progress.
try {
// The ink manager is used to store the recognition results.
// recognizeAsync has 3 modes: all | selected | recent.
// For this example, we process all strokes.
// recognizeAsync is documented at
// The recognitionResult object returned by recognizeAsync exposes the
// bounding rect, strokes, and text candidates for each word.
// In this example, we simply display the word count and recognition results.
function (results) {
// recognizeAsync does not automatically update existing recognition results in the ink manager.
// updateRecognitionResults is documented at
var x = inkManager.getRecognizers();
// Display the number of words returned in results.
statusMessage.innerText = "Words recognized: " + results.length.toString();
// Iterate through each word and display the ranked list of possible matches.
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
statusMessage.innerText += "\nWord" + (i+1).toString() + ":";
var alts = results[i].getTextCandidates();
for (var j = 0; j < alts.length; j++) {
statusMessage.innerText += " " + alts[j].toString();
function (e) {
displayError("InkManager::recognizeAsync: " + e.toString());
catch (e) {
displayError("recognize: " + e.toString());
else {
statusMessage.innerText = "No strokes to recognize.";
// Returns true if any strokes inside the ink manager are selected; false otherwise.
function anySelected() {
var strokes = inkManager.getStrokes();
var len = strokes.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (strokes[i].selected) {
return true;
return false;
Tópicos relacionados
Guia de início rápido: capturando dados a tinta
Amostras (DOM)
Entrada: amostra de manipulação de eventos de ponteiros DOM
Amostras (APIs de aplicativos da Windows Store )