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ISharePointProjectItemFile Interface

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Represents a file in the SharePoint project system.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.dll)


Public Interface ISharePointProjectItemFile _
    Inherits ISharePointProjectMember, IAnnotatedObject, INotifyObjectDisposing, INotifyObjectDisposed,  _
    INotifyPropertyChanged, IDeployableFile, ISharePointProjectStartupItem
public interface ISharePointProjectItemFile : ISharePointProjectMember, 
    IAnnotatedObject, INotifyObjectDisposing, INotifyObjectDisposed, INotifyPropertyChanged, IDeployableFile, 

The ISharePointProjectItemFile type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Annotations Gets an instance IAnnotationDictionary to associate custom data with the object implementing the IAnnotatedObject interface. (Inherited from IAnnotatedObject.)
Public property DeploymentPath Gets or sets the path of the file as it will be deployed in SharePoint relative to the base path represented by DeploymentRoot. (Inherited from IDeployableFile.)
Public property DeploymentRoot Gets the base path where SharePoint will store the file. (Inherited from IDeployableFile.)
Public property DeploymentType Gets the type of deployment to be performed to a file. (Inherited from IDeployableFile.)
Public property DeploymentUrl Gets the absolute SharePoint url where this file is going to be deployed. (Inherited from IDeployableFile.)
Public property FullPath Gets the full source path of the project member file or directory. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public property Icon Gets the icon for the project member node displayed in Solution Explorer. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public property IsDisposed Gets whether the an object is disposed. (Inherited from INotifyObjectDisposed.)
Public property IsDisposing Gets whether an object is disposing. (Inherited from INotifyObjectDisposing.)
Public property IsExpanded Gets or sets whether that node is expanded in Solution Explorer. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public property Name Gets the name of the project member node displayed in Solution Explorer. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public property Project Gets a reference to the containing project. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public property ProjectItem Gets a reference to the parent project item.
Public property RelativePath Gets the unique location of the item within the project directory. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectStartupItem.)
Public property Source Gets the path of the file relative to the parent ProjectItem node.
Public property StartupUrl Gets the URL to launch when the item is started. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectStartupItem.)



  Name Description
Public method CollapseChildItems Ensures that all child items of this ISharePointProjectMember are collapsed in Solution Explorer. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)



  Name Description
Public event DeploymentPathChanged Occurs when DeploymentPath is changed. (Inherited from IDeployableFile.)
Public event DeploymentTypeChanged Occurs when DeploymentType is changed. (Inherited from IDeployableFile.)
Public event Disposed Occurs when an object is disposed. (Inherited from INotifyObjectDisposed.)
Public event Disposing Occurs when an object is being disposed. (Inherited from INotifyObjectDisposing.)
Public event NameChanged Occurs when the name of the project member node is changed. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public event PropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from INotifyPropertyChanged.)


See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint Namespace