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ISharePointProject Interface

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Represents the SharePoint project.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint.dll)


Public Interface ISharePointProject _
    Inherits ISharePointProjectMember, IAnnotatedObject, INotifyObjectDisposing, INotifyObjectDisposed,  _
public interface ISharePointProject : ISharePointProjectMember, 
    IAnnotatedObject, INotifyObjectDisposing, INotifyObjectDisposed, INotifyPropertyChanged

The ISharePointProject type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ActiveDeploymentConfiguration Gets or set the name of the deployment configuration to use for deployment. The value should be from a list of available deployment configurations on the system.
Public property AddItemTemplatesGuid Gets a language specific project type GUID that used to return add item templates.
Public property Annotations Gets an instance IAnnotationDictionary to associate custom data with the object implementing the IAnnotatedObject interface. (Inherited from IAnnotatedObject.)
Public property AppSettings Gets the application specific settings of the project.
Public property AssemblyDeploymentTarget Gets or sets where the project should be deployed on the server: either "Bin" or "GAC".
Public property AutoRetract Gets or sets whether the solution is retracted after debugging.
Public property DeploymentConfigurations A dictionary of all deployment configurations, including user-defined and in-the-box deployment configurations.
Public property Features Gets the collection of SharePoint features defined in the project.
Public property FullPath Gets the full source path of the project member file or directory. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public property Icon Gets the icon for the project member node displayed in Solution Explorer. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public property Id Gets the ID of the project.
Public property IncludeAssemblyInPackage Gets or sets whether the project assembly should be packaged.
Public property IsDisposed Gets whether the an object is disposed. (Inherited from INotifyObjectDisposed.)
Public property IsDisposing Gets whether an object is disposing. (Inherited from INotifyObjectDisposing.)
Public property IsExpanded Gets or sets whether that node is expanded in Solution Explorer. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public property IsSandboxedSolution Gets or sets value whether project's package is deployed as a sandboxed solution or as a farm solution.
Public property IsSilverlightDebuggingEnabled Gets or sets whether Silverlight debugging is enabled.
Public property IsWorkflowDebuggingEnabled Gets or sets value indicating whether Workflow debugging is enabled.
Public property MappedFolders Gets the collection of mapped folders in the project.
Public property Name Gets the name of the project member node displayed in Solution Explorer. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public property OutputFullPath Gets the project's assembly full path after compilation.
Public property Package Gets an instance of the SharePoint package associated with the project.
Public property PostDeploymentCommand Gets or sets the command line that runs after deployment.
Public property PreDeploymentCommand Gets or sets the command line that runs before deployment.
Public property Project Gets a reference to the containing project. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public property ProjectItems Gets the collection of SharePoint project items in the project.
Public property ProjectMode Gets the current project system mode. Check SharePointProjectMode for possible values.
Public property ProjectService Gets an instance of the SharePoint Project Service.
Public property ProjectUserFileData Gets read and write data associated with the SharePoint project in the project user file.
Public property SelectedProjectItems Gets a list of SharePoint project items selected in Solution Explorer.
Public property SharePointConnection Gets the SharePoint connection instance that enables users to execute commands against the SharePoint object model in the vssphost.exe 64-bit process.
Public property SiteUrl Gets or sets the Site URL used by project during design time, deployment and debugging.
Public property StartupItem Gets or sets the item to launch on project startup.
Public property StartupUrl Gets the Url to launch on project startup.
Public property TargetOfficeVersion Gets the required SharePoint or Office version: "14.0" or "15.0". Default to 14.0.



  Name Description
Public method CollapseChildItems Ensures that all child items of this ISharePointProjectMember are collapsed in Solution Explorer. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public method Synchronize Applies any pending add item events to the SharePoint project object model to synchronize it with the DTE object model.



  Name Description
Public event Disposed Occurs when an object is disposed. (Inherited from INotifyObjectDisposed.)
Public event Disposing Occurs when an object is being disposed. (Inherited from INotifyObjectDisposing.)
Public event NameChanged Occurs when the name of the project member node is changed. (Inherited from ISharePointProjectMember.)
Public event PropertyChanged Occurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from INotifyPropertyChanged.)


See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.SharePoint Namespace