Report Data Pane
Use the Report Data pane to view the currently defined parameters, data sources, datasets, field collections, and images in your report. The Report Data pane displays a hierarchical view of the items that represent data in your report. The top level nodes represent built-in fields, parameters, images, and data source references. Expand each node to view the data items. For example, when you expand a data source node, the datasets in the data source that are already bound to the report appear. When you expand a dataset, its field collection appears. Drag items to the report design surface to link data with report items on the report page.
- Built-in Fields
Represents fields provided by Reporting Services that are commonly used in a report, such as the report name or page number. For more information, see Using Built-in Collections in Expressions (Reporting Services) in SQL Server Books Online.
- Parameters
Represents the collection of report parameters, each of which can be single-valued or multivalued. For more information, see Adding Parameters to Your Report (Reporting Services) in SQL Server Books Online.
- Images
Represents the set of images used in the report. For more information, see Adding Images (Reporting Services) in SQL Server Books Online.
- Data source
Represents a single data source reference. For more information, see Creating Data Sources for a Report.
- Dataset
Represents a single dataset in the report. A dataset is the parent node for the collection of fields.