Arrange Fields
Use this page of the Report Wizard to arrange fields for the table or matrix in the report.
For more information on the Report Wizard, see Creating Client Report Definitions Using the Visual Studio Report Wizard.
- Available fields
Choose fields that appear as a row group, column group, or detailed values. To move a field from Available fields to Column Groups, Row Groups, or Values, drag the field to the appropriate box.
- Column Groups
View the list of fields that appear as matrix columns. To change the order of the fields, hold down the left mouse button on a field, and then drag it to the desired position.
- Row Groups
View the list of fields that appear as table or matrix rows. To change the order of the fields, hold down the left mouse button on a field, and then drag it to the desired position.
- Values
View the list of fields that appear in the detail section of the matrix. To change the order of the fields, hold down the left mouse button on a field, and drag it to the desired position.
See Also
Creating Client Report Definitions Using the Visual Studio Report Wizard