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Classe ReportViewerStatus

Contains a set of read-only properties that indicate which operations are currently allowed in the ReportViewer control and the status of the prompt and document map areas.

Hierarquia de herança


Namespace:  Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms
Assembly:  Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms (em Microsoft.ReportViewer.WinForms.dll)


Public NotInheritable Class ReportViewerStatus
public sealed class ReportViewerStatus
public ref class ReportViewerStatus sealed
type ReportViewerStatus =  class end
public final class ReportViewerStatus

O tipo ReportViewerStatus expõe os membros a seguir.


  Nome Descrição
Propriedade pública ArePromptsVisible Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the prompt area of the ReportViewer control is currently visible.
Propriedade pública CanChangeDisplayModes Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the ReportViewer control has not started processing the report or has completed processing the report, and can change the display mode without canceling a report processing operation.
Propriedade pública CanChangeZoom Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the currently displayed content will be affected by a zoom change.
Propriedade pública CanContinueSearch Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether there is a previous search to continue and whether you can continue the previous search without canceling an existing report processing or interactive rendering operation.
Propriedade pública CanExport Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the report can be exported without canceling an existing report processing or interactive rendering operation.
Propriedade pública CanNavigateBack Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the current report is a drillthrough report and you can navigate back to its parent report without canceling an existing report processing or interactive rendering operation.
Propriedade pública CanNavigatePages Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the CurrentPage property can be changed without canceling an existing report processing or interactive rendering operation.
Propriedade pública CanPrint Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether you can start printing the report without canceling an existing report processing or interactive rendering operation.
Propriedade pública CanRefreshData Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether you can refresh the report data without cancelling an existing report processing or interactive rendering operation.
Propriedade pública CanSearch Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether you can search the report and highlight the search results without canceling an existing report processing or interactive rendering operation.
Propriedade pública CanSubmitPromptAreaValues Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether prompted parameters and prompted data source credentials can be submitted for the current report without canceling an existing report processing or interactive rendering operation.
Propriedade pública HasDocumentMapToDisplay Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the current report has a document map and the document map can be displayed in the current display mode.
Propriedade pública HasPromptsToDisplay Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether prompting is supported and there are prompts that can be displayed based on the visibility settings in the ReportViewer control. This property does not indicate whether the prompt areas are actually visible.
Propriedade pública InCancelableOperation Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether ReportViewer is currently performing a potentially lengthy operation that can be canceled.
Propriedade pública IsDocumentMapVisible Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the report has a document map and the document map is currently displayed.
Propriedade pública IsPromptingSupported Gets a Boolean value that indicates whether the current processing mode supports prompting for parameters and data source credentials.



  Nome Descrição
Método público Equals Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Herdado de Object.)
Método público GetHashCode Serves as the default hash function. (Herdado de Object.)
Método público GetType Gets the Type of the current instance. (Herdado de Object.)
Método público ToString Returns a string that represents the current object. (Herdado de Object.)


Acesso thread-safe

Quaisquer membros estático (Shared no Visual Basic) públicos deste tipo são thread-safe. Não há garantia de que qualquer membro de instância seja thread-safe.

Consulte também


Namespace Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms