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Método Windows2.CreateLinkedWindowFrame (Window, Window, vsLinkedWindowType)

Cria um Window objeto e locais de duas janelas nele.

Namespace:  EnvDTE80
Assembly:  EnvDTE80 (em EnvDTE80.dll)


Function CreateLinkedWindowFrame ( _
    Window1 As Window, _
    Window2 As Window, _
    Link As vsLinkedWindowType _
) As Window
Window CreateLinkedWindowFrame(
    Window Window1,
    Window Window2,
    vsLinkedWindowType Link
Window^ CreateLinkedWindowFrame(
    [InAttribute] Window^ Window1, 
    [InAttribute] Window^ Window2, 
    [InAttribute] vsLinkedWindowType Link
abstract CreateLinkedWindowFrame : 
        Window1:Window * 
        Window2:Window * 
        Link:vsLinkedWindowType -> Window 
function CreateLinkedWindowFrame(
    Window1 : Window, 
    Window2 : Window, 
    Link : vsLinkedWindowType
) : Window


Valor de retorno

Tipo: EnvDTE.Window
A Window object.


A ordem da Window argumentos determina a ordem das janelas vinculadas.As duas janelas sejam vinculadas devem estar visíveis.Se uma das janelas estiver oculta, você obtém uma exceção.Você pode usar o Visible propriedade para exibir o windows.


Este exemplo vincula a Janela de saída, o Janela de comando, e Solution Explorer.Em seguida, ele manipula a largura e altura dessas janelas vinculadas e, em seguida, ele desencaixa finalmente tudo a partir do quadro de janela vinculada.

Para obter mais informações sobre como executar este exemplo como um add-in, consulte Como: compilar e executar os exemplos de código de modelo de objeto de automação.

Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Public Sub OnConnection(ByVal application As Object, _
 ByVal connectMode As ext_ConnectMode, ByVal addInInst As Object, _
 ByRef custom As Array) Implements IDTExtensibility2.OnConnection
    _applicationObject = CType(application, DTE2)
    _addInInstance = CType(addInInst, AddIn)
End Sub
Sub LinkedWindowsExample(ByVal dte As DTE2)
    Dim Frame As Window2
    Dim wins As Windows2
    wins = CType(_applicationObject.Windows, EnvDTE80.Windows2)
    Dim w1 As Window2 = _
 CType(_applicationObject.Windows.Item _
(Constants.vsWindowKindSolutionExplorer), EnvDTE80.Window2)
    Dim w2 As Window2 = _
 CType(_applicationObject.Windows.Item _
(Constants.vsWindowKindOutput), EnvDTE80.Window2)
    Dim w3 As Window2 = _
 CType(_applicationObject.Windows.Item _
(Constants.vsWindowKindCommandWindow), EnvDTE80.Window2)
    ' Create a linked window frame and dock Solution Explorer 
    ' and the Ouput window together inside it.
    Frame = CType(wins.CreateLinkedWindowFrame _
(w1, w2, vsLinkedWindowType.vsLinkedWindowTypeDocked), _
    MsgBox("Total number of windows in the linked window frame: " _
 & Frame.LinkedWindows.Count)
    ' Add another tool window, the Command window, to the frame with 
    ' the other two.
    MsgBox("Total number of windows in the linked window frame: " _
    & Frame.LinkedWindows.Count)
    ' Resize the entire linked window frame.
    Frame.Width = 500
    Frame.Height = 600
    MsgBox("Frame height and width changed. Now changing _
     Command window height.")
    ' Resize the height of the Command window.
    Frame.LinkedWindows.Item(3).Height = 800
    MsgBox("Now undocking the Command window from the frame.")
    ' Undock the Command window from the frame.
    MsgBox("Now undocking the rest of the windows from the frame.")
End Sub
using EnvDTE;
using EnvDTE80;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public void OnConnection(object application, ext_ConnectMode
 connectMode, object addInInst, ref Array custom)
    _applicationObject = (DTE2)application;
    _addInInstance = (AddIn)addInInst;
public void LinkedWindowsExample(DTE2 dte)
    Window2 Frame;
    Windows2 wins;
    wins = (EnvDTE80.Windows2)_applicationObject.Windows;
    Window2 w1 = 
Window2 w2 =
    Window2 w3 = 
    // Create a linked window frame and dock Solution Explorer
    // and the Output window together inside it.
    Frame = (EnvDTE80.Window2)wins.CreateLinkedWindowFrame
(w1, w2, vsLinkedWindowType.vsLinkedWindowTypeDocked);
    MessageBox.Show("Total number of windows in the linked 
window frame: " + Frame.LinkedWindows.Count);
    // Add another tool window, the Command window, to the frame with
    // the other two.
    MessageBox.Show("Total number of windows in the linked 
window frame: " + Frame.LinkedWindows.Count);
    // Resize the entire linked window frame.
    Frame.Width = 500;
    Frame.Height = 600;
    MessageBox.Show("Frame height and width changed.
 Now changing Command window height.");
    // Resize the height of the Command window.
    Frame.LinkedWindows.Item(3).Height = 800;
    MessageBox.Show("Now undocking the Command window from 
the frame.");
    // Undock the Command window from the frame.
    MessageBox.Show("Now undocking the rest of the windows 
from the frame.");

Segurança do .NET Framework

Consulte também


Windows2 Interface

Sobrecargas CreateLinkedWindowFrame

Namespace EnvDTE80

Outros recursos

Como: compilar e executar os exemplos de código de modelo de objeto de automação