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Enumerates all breakpoints bound from this pending breakpoint.

HRESULT EnumBoundBreakpoints( 
   IEnumDebugBoundBreakpoints2** ppEnum
int EnumBoundBreakpoints( 
   out IEnumDebugBoundBreakpoints2 ppEnum


Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code. Returns E_BP_DELETED if the breakpoint has been deleted.


The following example shows how to implement this method for a simple CPendingBreakpoint object that exposes the IDebugPendingBreakpoint2 interface.

HRESULT CPendingBreakpoint::EnumBoundBreakpoints(IEnumDebugBoundBreakpoints2** ppEnum)  
   HRESULT hr;  
   // Verify that the passed IEnumDebugBoundBreakpoints2 interface pointer 
   // is valid.  
   if (ppEnum)  
      *ppEnum = NULL;  
      // Verify that the pending breakpoint has not been deleted. If 
      // deleted, then return hr = E_BP_DELETED.  
      if (m_state.state != PBPS_DELETED)  
         // If the bound breakpoint member variable is valid.
         if (m_pBoundBP)  
            // Get the bound breakpoint.  
            CComPtr<IDebugBoundBreakpoint2> spBoundBP;  
            hr = m_pBoundBP->QueryInterface(&spBoundBP);  
            assert(hr == S_OK);  
            if (hr == S_OK)  
               // Create the bound breakpoint enumerator.  
               CComObject<CEnumDebugBoundBreakpoints>* pBoundEnum;  
               hr = CComObject<CEnumDebugBoundBreakpoints>::CreateInstance(&pBoundEnum);  
               assert(hr == S_OK);  
               if (hr == S_OK)  
                  // Initialize the enumerator of bound breakpoints with 
                  // the IDebugBoundBreakpoint2 information.    
                  IDebugBoundBreakpoint2* rgBoundBP[] = { spBoundBP.p };  
                  hr = pBoundEnum->Init(rgBoundBP, &(rgBoundBP[1]), NULL, AtlFlagCopy);  
                  if (hr == S_OK)  
                     // Verify that the passed IEnumDebugBoundBreakpoints2   
                     // interface can be queried by the created
                     // CEnumDebugBoundBreakpoints object.  
                     hr = pBoundEnum->QueryInterface(ppEnum);  
                     assert(hr == S_OK);  
                  // Otherwise, delete the CEnumDebugBoundBreakpoints object.  
                  if (FAILED(hr))  
                     delete pBoundEnum;  
            hr = S_FALSE;  
         hr = E_BP_DELETED;  
      hr = E_INVALIDARG;  
   return hr;  

See Also


