Como: Definir o processo atual
This topic applies to:
Edition |
Visual Basic |
C# |
F# |
C++ |
Web Developer |
Express |
Pro, Premium e Ultimate |
You can attach to multiple processes when you are debugging, but only one process is active in the debugger at any given time. You can set the active process in the Debug Location toolbar.
Observação |
The dialog boxes and menu commands you see might differ from those described in Help, depending on your active settings or edition. Para alterar as configurações, escolha Import and Export Settings sobre o Ferramentas menu. For more information, see Trabalhando com configurações. |
To set the active process
Sobre o Debug menu, clique em Windows e escolha processos.
O processos janela já pode ser exibida.
In the Processes window, double-click on the process you want to make active.
— ou —
On the Debug Location toolbar, select the Process list box and choose the process that you want to make current.