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Removes a pane from the docking manager.

void RemovePaneFromDockManager(
   CBasePane* pControlBar,
   BOOL bDestroy,
   BOOL bAdjustLayout,
   BOOL bAutoHide,
   CBasePane* pBarReplacement


  • [in] pControlBar
    A pointer to the pane to remove.

  • [in] bDestroy
    If TRUE, the removed pane is destroyed.

  • [in] bAdjustLayout
    If TRUE, adjust the docking layout immediately.

  • [in] bAutoHide
    If TRUE, the docking layout is related to the list of autohide bars. If FALSE, the docking layout is related to the list of regular panes.

  • [in] pBarReplacement
    A pointer to a pane that replaces the removed pane.


Header: afxmdichildwndex.h

See Also


CMDIChildWndEx Class

Hierarchy Chart